Leading Michigan Democrat Backs Initiative for Michigan to Join National Popular Vote Compact

This news story reveals that Mark Brewer is one of the leaders for the Michigan initiative for the National Popular Vote Compact. Brewer was chair of the state Democratic Party for 18 years, is on the Democratic National Committee, and is a past chair of the Association of state Democratic chairs. This support virtually guarantees that the initiative will obtain enough signatures to get on the ballot. Brewer is experienced in statewide initiative and referendum qualification in Michigan.


Leading Michigan Democrat Backs Initiative for Michigan to Join National Popular Vote Compact — 90 Comments

  1. Will the people of Michigan be so foolish as to throw away their status as a major swing state?

    Ranked choice voting would be a win-win for Michigan and the country.

  2. The Michigan initiative is also backed by Saul Anuzis, former state chair of the Michigan Republican Party.

  3. National Popular Vote plan is a terrible idea. It will swing presidential elections even more toward the large metropolitan areas, which are pretty much all controlled by the left. The Democrats are currently flooding the country with foreigners, of the legal and illegal variety, and they want to make them citizens, so they can vote, and all statistics indicate that a super-majority of them vote Democrat, and not only do they vote Democrat, they also support the biggest socialist gun grabbers who run in Democratic Party primaries. This also further undermines state’s rights, and further centralizes power in the hands of the federal, or national, government.

  4. 1. NPV scheme violates 14-1 EP Cl —

    Having votes OUTSIDE a State determine results INSIDE a State.

    2. NOOO approval yet by gerrymander Congress of the scheme —

    choosing a USA Prez/VP — NOT like worrying about a chicken crossing a state border line.
    Uniform definition of Elector/Voter in ALL of USA — USA Citizen, 18+ yrs olde.

  5. In the 20th century, voters overwhelmingly agreed that if the electoral college caused the person who placed 2nd in the popular vote to be installed, then the electoral college should be changed. It is sad that in this century, so many persons who lean Republican have junked the enlightment view that the most popular person should be declared the winner. Even a 5-year old child can see that it is wrong for the person who places 2nd in the election should take the office.

  6. 2021 fascist Elephants / troll morons [overlapping groups] LOVE the ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander math of the USA electoral college and senate.

  7. The major flaw of the NPV is that it doesn’t solve the basic problem of plurality voting: you can still elect a minority President (check out 1992 and 1996).

    If the Republicans in Michigan were smart, they would offer a counter initiative in favor of the Maine system of ranked choice voting by district. This option would be most ideal for Michigan for several reasons:

    1. RCV not only preserves Michigan’s status as a major swing state; it actually enhances it. The ability of voters in major swing states to transfer their votes increases the likelihood that the popular vote winner will be the electoral vote winner as well. The more swing states that adopt RCV, the greater the likelihood.

    2. RCV transforms the “spoiler” effect of third party candidates into a position to constructively resolve the election.

    3. The district feature confines the delegitimizing effect of perceived “fraud” or “foreign interference” to particular districts, with limited consequences for the overall state or national outcome.

  8. Among many uses, the Electoral College acts as one guard against election fraud. It doesn’t always work, as the 2020 election proves, but it did prevent the Democrats from stealing the 2016 election.

    Let’s not let states that allow illegals to vote and commit voter fraud, like California, to decide our elections. They shouldn’t be able to run up the tally to make up the national difference, win the popular vote and thus the entire election on a popular vote scheme.

    That’s not fair. It’s not democratic. It makes it easier for the elites to rig the system and select the leader they want rather than the leader the people want. The failed Biden-Harris administration, which lacks popular support with approval ratings in the 30s and 20s, respectively, is an example of what happens when elites rig the election. Eliminating the electoral college would make this happen again and again and again.

  9. One more thing:

    People should note that, despite the fact that Maine is a deeply divided state politically, no one there questioned the outcome of the Presidential election in 2020. RCV by district works to resolve deeply partisan divisions within states.

  10. Anyone who things Winger is a Commie is free to go elsewhere. There is no Berlin Wall holding anyone in BAN.

  11. People who think illegal aliens vote are not well-informed. If you knew some illegal aliens, you would learn that they will do anything to avoid getting the attention of government.

  12. How many foreign INVADERS in USA ???

    5 pct, 10 pct, more pct ???

    commie donkeys want more future commie donkeys to naturalize and then vote for more commie donkeys


  13. I am guessing Richard Winger also hates the Canadian system, since two elections ago the Conservatives received the most votes by the people, but Trudeau won.

  14. Richard believes anybody should vote, no matter their status. He also supports no voter ID and voting multiple times, as well as dead people voting.

  15. Canada = USA = UK = ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander regimes

    — all with monarch maniacs.


  16. The founders of this country warned of the dangers of pure democracy. There’s the famous quote from Benjamin Franklin, which went something like, “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what is for diner.”

    Read Hans-Hermann Hope’s brilliant book, “Democracy: The God That Failed”.

    I do not see this so much as a matter of leaning Republican, but rather looking at current demographic trends, and noticing that they go against gun rights. No more gun rights = no more chance at having a libertarian, or even a libertarian leaning, society.

    Is it really a good thing for the most popular candidate to win a presidential election if that candidate is popular in the large Democrat controlled metropolitan areas, which are filled with welfare recipients, foreigners, left wing SJW’s, and government employees and contractors? I would say no.

    The Democrats are busy right now flooding the country with as many foreigners as they can, in order to import more Democratic Party voters.

  17. I don’t know if illegal aliens voting is really a big problem or not. I think most illegal aliens do not want to vote, particularly because they are trying to evade detection.

    Regardless of this, there are MILLIONS of legal aliens who gained citizenship voting, and the Biden administration bringing in millions more of these people right now. They vote for the socialist gun grabbing left in super-majority numbers. This is a huge problem.

  18. What regimes have killed/enslaved the most –

    Answer –
    killer/enslaver monarch/oligarch minority rule regimes.

    Most regimes have been/are monarch/oligarch minority rule regimes.
    PR majority rule legis
    APPV possible majority rule requirement nonpartisan execs/judic

  19. Andy Stitzer almost gets it. He’s right about democracy. He’s right about the danger of importing foreign turrd world muud people and allowing them to vote, pollute our gene pool, grab our guns, steal from us through w3lfare and criime, bring in their po1sonous illegal drugs, etc.

    Where he’s wrong is in thinking that a conservative third party can stand up to this invasi0n, this threat to our American way of life and the rac1al purity of our grandchildren and their grandchildren. The only way to stop this Marx1st J3wish global1st attack on America, the Wh1te Race, capitalism and Christianity is by uniting as Republicans. We can’t face the enemy unless we are united.

    Trump is our savior, and we need to all unite behind Him and put Him back in office, and ultimately on a throne of pure gold with a gold crown on his head, to save our civilization, our race, and our way of life. Divided, we can only be conquered.

    Libertarians are not the answer. They stand for globaloney so called free trade and reject national capitalism. They reject Jesus and theocracy. They do not support Trump. They do not support monarchy or mercantilism, and they reject feudalism. Ultimately, they are yet another leftist product of the so called enlightenment.

    The only way we can save our race, nation, civilization, traditions and Patriarchy is by completely rejecting the evil “enlightenment” and everything that came out of it. We must embrace segregation, feudalism, monarchy, theocracy, patriarchy, mercantilism/national capitalism. The only alternative is to watch our civilization fall to marxist conquest, feminist gender benders, abortion, pornography, prostitution, race mixing, multiculti, gun grabbers, alien invasion, race mixing, and ultimately total rule by Satan. And we must never allow that to happen.

  20. If Joe Biden really has popular support, why has FJB become such a popular chant?

    I would wager that Bowden’s popularity is extremely low, especially among entrepreneurs and private sector workers, and even more so among the aforementioned who are not immigrants and whose family has been in this country for a long time.

    I bet Biden’s approval rating would be even lower if the survey was down to only people who actually know what the Constitution says.

    I still doubt that Joe Biden was even legitimately elected. He’s probably the least popular major party candidate of my life time.

  21. Harry is Harry. Is focusing on your bogus theories about who i am and trying to impart false motives you have dreamed up to me your way of dealing with your cognitive dissonance in being unable to deal with the truth of what i say, Andy Stitzer?

  22. There is zero doubt that the chicoms stole the election and put in Biden and Harris as their marxist puppets.

  23. It’s really simple. The only way to stop the Democrats from grabbing our guns, bringing in multi millions of foreigners, and putting in Marxism is by uniting as Republicans. It’s a winner take all system. If you don’t vote Republican you let the Democrats win. Andy Stitzer agrees with me about what happens when Democrats win. Is he really too stupid to understand that the GOP IS THE ONLY WAY TO STOP THEM? He doesn’t sound stupid to me. Maybe he’s the undercover agent of the Zionist occupied government that he falsely accuses me of being?

  24. The problem is that the Republican Party is woefully corrupt. Most Republicans can’t be trusted.

    I do not know Andy Stitzer, by the way. That’s not me.

  25. Republican Party was corrupt, but Trump is draining the swamp. We are kicking out the rhinos and making it into a Nationalist party.

  26. Trump did not really drain the swamp. He just surrounded himself with different swamp creatures.

  27. Remember how Paul was overly freaking out when Trump was President, to the point where even some of his political allies in the LP thought he had Trump Derangement Syndrome. I wonder if he is happier now that Joe Biden is President.

    My guess is that he was trolling for some leftist Jewish organizations. There was a smaller contingent of conservative Jews who supported Trump, but if Paul was working for anybody it was not them.

  28. Who is this Paul you keep talking about, Andy Jones? Trump did drain the swamp, but the job is not finished. The evil empire struck back with their evil puppet Biden. Now we need to finish the job with the return of the Jedi, Trump.

    Like Harry said, the only way to stop the Marxist Democrats and save America is through total victory by Trump and the GOP. The so called libertarians sure won’t do it. They are just losers who split the vote and help the Democrats. You’re too smart not to know it, so I think it is you who is trolling on behalf of leftist Jews.

  29. “Who is this Paul you keep talking about, Andy Jones?”

    I don’t know who Andy Jones is, but Paul is the Paul who used to post here, and at Independent Political Report, a lot. He also used to troll a lot on both sites, and may still do it, at least sometimes.

  30. “You’re too smart not to know it, so I think it is you who is trolling on behalf of leftist Jews.”

    There is little to no point in voting for most Republicans, when the majority of them are untrustworthy, and unprincipled.

  31. Of course it’s Frankel (cyberpig). He claimed on here he became a millionaire by buying and trading cryptocurrency and now he’s on here promoting some Himalayan crap.

  32. So Andy’s last name is Frankel. Got it. Maybe Paul is his middle name? Or maybe Paul is his first name, and Andy is his middle name. Either way he is working for the leftist jews. And probably is one himself, like his friend Rabbi Milnestein. Andy is smart enough to understand the danger from the Marxist Democrats, but not smart enough to understand that Republicans are the only way to stop them in a winner take all system? Yeah right!

  33. “Of course it’s Frankel (cyberpig). He claimed on here he became a millionaire by buying and trading cryptocurrency and now he’s on here promoting some Himalayan crap.”

    Interesting theory. That HCoin sounded like a crap coin to me, but I did not look into that deeply. Just for those who don’t know, there are over 6,000 cryptocurrencies now. Only a few hundred of them have any future, and even out of those, only a few will become big. Having said this, even if it is a crap coin, it is still possible for people to make good money off of crap coins, but they are definitely riskier.

    Who knows if that was him or not though. Some of the troll posts here lately sound like they could have been him, but I don’t think he’s the only one doing it.

  34. “So Andy’s last name is Frankel. Got it. Maybe Paul is his middle name? Or maybe Paul is his first name, and Andy is his middle name.”


  35. Of course Andy Stitzer is right about NPV. BUT he refuses to acknowledge that GOP IS THE ONLY WAY to stop the Democrats from bringing in millions of third world foreigners from shithole countries, seizing all our guns and money, and instituting Marxist dictatorship.

  36. Steve Bannon is on board with Himalaya Coin. You should look into it if you have any brains.

  37. I don’t buy Andy Stitzer’s denials about his last name. He’s slipped up and posted comments with his last name here a few times. It’s also obvious that he is being paid to post by Marxist Jews and probably is one himself. Why else would he promote the losertarian party and try to split the conservative vote?

  38. “Andy is smart enough to understand the danger from the Marxist Democrats, but not smart enough to understand that Republicans are the only way to stop them in a winner take all system? Yeah right!”

    The Republican Party is not true opposition to the Democrats. There are plenty of things wrong with Republicans. Many of them are spineless. Many of them love big government, they just want to be the ones running it. Many of them frequently lie.

    I would only support voting for a Republican if they are a liberty Republican, like Rand Paul or Tom Massie. Outside of this, I would get behind “lesser of two evils” votes, IF there is no better 3rd party or independent candidate on the ballot, and IF their records are looked up and they are found to be significantly better than that of the Democrat in the race.

    The last time I voted, there were 3 races with no Libertarian Party or other minor party or independent candidate in a race. I voted for 2 of the Republicans. I looked up their records, and found that they did offer a significant enough improvement over the Democrats whom they were running against, so I voted for them. The other Republican was too crappy, so I cast a write in vote for a Libertarian for that office. These were for US House, State Senate, and State House. So I voted Republican for US House, and State House, and I cast a write in vote for a Libertarian for State Senate. I voted Libertarian for all of the other offices.

    I think that we are pretty much screwed right now, so I see voting Libertarian as making a statement, and getting the message out. Most Libertarians have little to no chance to win.

    I have voted Constitution Party twice, one of which was voting for Darrell Castle for President in 2016. The other time was years ago, I think it was for Attorney General. The choices were Democrat, Republican, Green, and Constitution Party. That vote was actually cast in California years ago, so it was technically American Independent Party, but the American Independent Party was an affiliate of the Constitution Party at the time.

    I have voted Republican a few times here and there, but I have often left it blank or wrote in None Of The Above if it was only a Democrat or a Republican in the race. I voted for Tom McClintock as a Republican for Governor in the Gray Davis Recall election in California back in 2003, because the Libertarian Party had goofball candidates running in that race. I would have voted for Larry Elder in the Gavin Newsom Recall election, if I had been in California to vote last year. The Libertarian Party candidate Jeff Hewitt had no chance to win, and Larry Elder did, and in fact he would have won, and I think Elder, even though he has some flaws, and is more moderate in a lot of ways than I would prefer, brought enough positives to the table to where I think it was worth it to vote for Larry Elder.

    I of course supported Ron Paul when he ran in the Republican primaries, and I cast a write in vote for him in 3008 when the Libertarian Party nominated the crappy Bob Barr for President. I voted for None Of The Above for President in 2012, and for Constitution Party candidate, Darrell Castle for President in 2016, instead of Gary Johnson. I did vote for Libertarian Party candidate Jo Jorgensen for President in 2020.

  39. “I don’t buy Andy Stitzer’s denials about his last name. He’s slipped up and posted comments with his last name here a few times. It’s also obvious that he is being paid to post by Marxist Jews and probably is one himself. Why else would he promote the losertarian party and try to split the conservative vote?”

    Funny how the trolls keep saying I have different last names than my actual name.

    Republicans are usually not worth voting for. See my response above.

  40. So you helped elect Biden. I hope you’re happy with the results. You could have voted for Trump and helped stop what’s happening but you chose to vote for Marxist Jo.

  41. You’re the troll who keeps denying your last name. It’s also pretty obvious that you are “Egyptian God.”

  42. “You’re the troll who keeps denying your last name. It’s also pretty obvious that you are “Egyptian God.””

    Nope. Just because you are a scumbag lowlife coward troll does not mean that I am.

  43. “So you helped elect Biden. I hope you’re happy with the results. You could have voted for Trump and helped stop what’s happening but you chose to vote for Marxist Jo.”

    Did Donald Trump end the Federal Reserve System and fiat currency? Did Donald Trump end the income tax? Did Donald Trump pardon Edward Snowden or Ross Ulbritch, or Julian Assauge, or Schaefer Cox, or anyone sitting in jail or prison on for a victimless crime, who otherwise got unfairly railroaded? What big, meaningful thing did Donald Trump do to restore liberty in this country?

    Trump getting attacked by the Deep State, or being less bad than Joe Biden was not a compelling reason for me to vote for him. I think Joe Biden is presently driving us off a cliff at 100 miles per hour, which is what Hillary Clinton likely would have done if she had been elected. Donald Trump was still driving us off of a cliff, even though he was driving that car at 85 or 90 miles per hour.

  44. If your last name is not Stitzer, what is it? You are the scumbag lowlife coward troll, not me.

  45. You’re an idiot. We went from Trump, the best president we ever had, to Biden, the worst, because idiots like you voted for Marxist Jo BURN LOOT MURDER Jorgensen. Please at least tell me you don’t vote in a swing state. You could have gotten Hillary Clinton elected, you traitor. And you did get Biden elected since the commies got better at cheating in the meantime.

    As for what Trump did, most of his first term was just moving the pieces in place. Just wait til his second term. The deep state doesn’t get defeated overnight, you fucking imbecile.

  46. You are pretending like you don’t know me, yet you have been following me for years, with you and your fellow trolls using different fake names of course.

  47. Andy Stitzer,

    Following you for years? Get over yourself. I never heard of you until a few weeks ago. As far as I can tell you’re the troll here.

  48. Ted,

    Yes, that is what I’ve been telling you. Andy is a Marxist himself. He pretends like he’s not, but it doesn’t take all that much to smoke him out. I wouldn’t be surprised ig he is a Jew as well.

  49. Very easy to be a RED commie LOOTER – of the income and assets of OTHER folks.

    Early commie action — the publik skoools

    — brainwashing kids to become commie looters – to get their *entitlements*

    — *free* food, clothing, shelter, medical care, etc.

    — via RED commie bosses — esp USA prez, H. Rep. speakers, Senate leaders and State counterparts.

    Results — esp since 1929 – govt near dead money-inflation, deficits, debts, lack of capital investments, junk jobs (except for overpaid dark state regime jobs).

  50. I am not Jewish, nor am I a Marxist. My mother is Catholic. My father was raised Methodist, but he only attended church once in awhile. The only church services I ever attended were Christian, and mostly Catholic, outside of a small handful of Protestant services.

    I have not taken a DNA test, but as far as I know I do not have any Jewish ancestry.

  51. You can speak for Andy Stitzer, because you are Andy Stitzer. Sounds like a Jew to me. I noticed you haven’t said what your last name actually is. That’s a dead giveaway that it’s Stitzer.

  52. Jews, commies, and trolls are all known for lying. So the fact that you deny being those things means nothing.

  53. Funny that there have been others here who have sworn that my last name is Gonzalez, and other trolls said it was Jones.

    Last names actually do not necessarily indicate an ethnic or racial background. I recently found out somebody I know who has an Anglo/Norman/Scandinavian last name is actually completely Italian. I knew this person had Italian ancestry, but I just assumed they were part English because of their surname, but it turned out they were adopted as a child, and they took on the last name of their adoptive parents.

    There are surnames shared by different groups, surnames gained via marriage, surnames through adoption, surnames that got changed intentionally, surnames that got misspelled, or etc…

  54. Who is “Pat”? Is “Pat” a man or a woman, like out of the old Saturday Night Live recurring skit.

  55. Man. Why do you care? Is it because you are exclusively homosexual? I’m cis hetero male and happily married to a woman.

  56. Lots of people know me, and whoever is playing the role of “Pat” almost certainly knows who I am.

    I got up ON STAGE and spoke at the LAST THREE LIBERTARIAN NATIONAL CONVENTIONS. I am on those videos, which are posted to YouTube.

  57. I have no idea who you are and I’m not playing any “role.” Lots of people know me too, but I probably don’t know any of the people who know you and vice versa. I’m not going to watch a week’s worth of YouTube videos of losertarians to see whether anyone named “Andy” spoke on stage.

    If someone else was that bored and found an “Andy” who spoke there (were you the only Andy who did) how would they know that it’s you? For someone who gets up on stage at national conventions you’re pretty fn shy about even telling us what your last name supposedly is, much less proving it. I smell something fishy there, and a whole lot of bullshit.

  58. I noticed “Andy” never answered what State he votes in either. Maybe he’s just too embarrassed that he helped the chicoms and dementia Joe cheat and steal the election by voting for marxist BLM Jo?

  59. Wow! This thread is really trashed.
    paulie’s paid mission is to mention ANYTHING-especially filthy trash-except Bowers or PLAS.
    And jews are international terrorists.
    Egyptian God, when are you going to put up something new on IPR-X?
    The Mancy imitating monkey is cute, but the whole schtick is getting OLD!
    Bowers! Bowers! Bowers!
    Jews are International terrorists!
    Ask any Palestinian.

  60. We have investigated and found that he spread his ass for the vax and turned into rabbi Milnestein. Also that he is a commie.

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