U.S. House Passes HR 5314, “Protecting our Democracy Act”, Including Financial Assistance to States and Localities to Help Pay for Ranked Choice Voting

On December 9, the U.S. House passed HR 5314, the “Protecting our Democracy Act” by a vote of 220-208. Here is a summary of the original bill. Before the bill passed, it was amended to include a provision granting financial assistance to states and local governments to help pay for the implementation of Ranked Choice Voting.

The general thrust of HR 5314 does not deal with election administration. Instead it limits presidential power and strengthens congressional subpoena power. The bill makes it illegal for presidents to pardon themselves, among many other provisions.

UPDATE: the only Republican who voted for the bill is Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.


U.S. House Passes HR 5314, “Protecting our Democracy Act”, Including Financial Assistance to States and Localities to Help Pay for Ranked Choice Voting — 4 Comments

  1. At least the end of the bill has sever language for the several UNCON sections.

    BUT one more near ZERO chance bill to get passed by 50 R hacks in gerrymander Senate.

  2. No bill the Democrats back regarding voting will clear the Senate. It’s posturing for the media and their own supporters.

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