Wyoming Petitioners File Tenth Circuit Brief Against 300-Foot “No Politics” Zone Around Polling Places

On December 10, individuals who wish to petition at the polls in Wyoming filed this brief in the Tenth Circuit in Frank v Lee, 21-8060. This is the case against Wyoming’s 300-foot zone around polling places. Inside the zone no petitioning is allowed.

The U.S. District Court had struck down the zone, and the state had then appealed. Although the U.S. Supreme Court and various other courts have upheld 100-foot zones, no other court has ever approved a larger zone.


Wyoming Petitioners File Tenth Circuit Brief Against 300-Foot “No Politics” Zone Around Polling Places — 14 Comments

  1. The should bring up that in Maine, people can gather signatures INSIDE polling places on election days.

    I ran into this problem one of the times I worked on petition drives in Wyoming, so I hope they win this case.

  2. In Maine, they have crazy things, like town meetings, where people actually decide things in the open.

  3. Massachusetts also has town meetings. I think other New England states do as well.

    There is a difference between towns and cities in Massachusetts, which comes down to what kind of government they have. The largest town in Massachusetts is Plymouth. The largest city in Massachusetts is Boston.

    I think it is the same with towns and cities in the other New England states.


    1/2 X 1/2 = 1/4




  5. The Xi Variant of the common cold has been way overblown. It’s been used as an excuse for social control, tyranny, and manipulation.

  6. He’s referring to town meetings being a “covid spreader.” In other words, he bought into the hype being pushed by tyrants, foreign and domestic, using the Xi variant of the common cold as an excuse to do everything they have wanted to do for a long time, with more to come.

  7. Stone Age folks — too MORON stupid to detect ANY medical *science* advances since about 1600.


    part of infection research since USA Civil War

    – many, many, many dead due to being dirty – getting torso wounds / using same saws, etc. without cleaning, etc.

    many more dead due to camp diseases.

  8. Aside from any issues with vaccines more generally, it usually takes about ten years for a vaccine to be considered safe and effective, because longer term health effects have to be studied and not just short term. mRNA, being a whole new kind of vaccine, should have required even more study, not less. Do you like being a lab rat?

  9. How many RED china killers working on bio-WAR infections — to get world conquest ???

    Leak from Wuhan BIO-WAR lab ???

    Other killers in bio-WAR labs in USA, Russia, Iran, N. Korea, etc. ???

    See CRISPR bio tool – split bio-molecules – assemble parts >>> ***NEW*** killer infection.

    Western civilization treating RED China BARBARIAN regime as being *** civilized ***

    — killers now in charge date from 1960s Mao RED PURGE aka *Cultural Revolution* – and 1989 Tinanmen Sq massacre.

    Akin to MORONS in UK and France in 1933-1939 re Hitler and his killer gang.

  10. It wasn’t a leak. Leak makes it sound like an accident. This is intentional biological warfare by the COMMIES. Commie fifth columnists in government’s all over the world have used it to spread commie style tyranny everywhere.

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