Evan McMullin, Independent Candidate for U.S. Senate, Raised Over $1,000,000 in Last Three Months

Evan McMullin, independent candidate for U.S. Senate from Utah, raised $1,032,983 in the last three months, according to this news story. No one else running for U.S. Senate in Utah in 2022 raised that much. Incumbent Republican Mike Lee raised $523,142, but Lee had reserves so he still has more cash on hand than McMullin.


Evan McMullin, Independent Candidate for U.S. Senate, Raised Over $1,000,000 in Last Three Months — 8 Comments

  1. Wow, that is a ton of money! Imagine all the things that could be done with that. You could buy up half of Detroit and house homeless people, feed millions of hungry people, or help all the disabled Vets!

  2. It looks like Egg McMuffin may have a shot at winning. This could be his pay off from the neo-cons and Deep State for running against Donald Trump in 2016. He did siphon some votes from Trump, but not enough to alter the election.

  3. Why do you think he “siphoned” votes from Trump? Did the votes of people who don’t like Trump somehow belong to Trump like some kind of inheritance or birthright? How do you know they would not have voted for Clinton, just because they dislike Trump that much, voted for another third party candidate, or stayed home, if he was not on the ballot?

  4. I haven’t actually read Fred Trump’s will, so maybe he deeded those votes to Donald if and when he would run for President when Fred died?

  5. If Evan runs for President in 2024, chances are good that he will have an impact on the results in Utah, Arizona, and Nevada.

  6. Oh yeah writing in (at least in some states) and leaving the President box blank while voting on other offices and where applicable ballot questions are things people could have done instead of voting for Trump, with or without McMullin. So why “siphoned”?? The only vote that belongs to Donald Trump is his own, anyone else’s he needs to earn. If he doesn’t earn it that is not the fault of McMullin or Johnson or Jorgensen or Castle or Blankenship or anyone else who runs against him.

  7. “The only vote that belongs to Donald Trump is his own, anyone else’s he needs to earn.”

    Exactly. If Trump,or anyone else, thinks that they are “entitled” to third party votes,they have to earn them, vote by vote.

  8. This is one reason that ranked choice voting makes sense in each state for Presidential Electors. Then it will be clear who is “entitled” to third party votes. The voters will tell you with their preferential votes.

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