Wyoming Petitioning Group Files Reply Brief in Tenth Circuit in Case Involving 300-Foot “No Politics” Zone at Polling Places

On January 31, the petitioning groups who are challenging Wyoming’s 300-foot “no politics” zone around polling places filed this reply brief in the Tenth Circuit. Frank v Lee, 21-8060. The lower court had invalidated the law. The typical state has a 100-foot zone around polling places.


Wyoming Petitioning Group Files Reply Brief in Tenth Circuit in Case Involving 300-Foot “No Politics” Zone at Polling Places — 8 Comments

  1. In Maine, it is LEGAL to gather petition signatures INSIDE polling places on election days. Having to stand 100 feet away is too far.

  2. How many folks trying to get sigs INSIDE ME polling places on election days ???

    Candidates for future elections ??? ballot issues ??? Any display stuff on sig circulators ???

  3. Demo Rep, it is traditional in Maine to get signatures inside polling places on election days. I don’t understand why other states don’t do the same thing. Other wise Maine policies include ranked choice voting and allowing prisoners to vote while incarcerated. More states should be like Maine. Maine is the best of all the US states.

  4. Stuff for future elections =/= electioneering. Electioneering is a reference to trying to change votes as they are about to be cast on the candidates and issues in THAT DAY’S election. Every other state gets this simple thing wrong.

  5. I don’t know if Maine is the best possible state in every way, but it is clear that the current method of choosing Presidential electors by ranked choice voting, and by district, made for an uncontentious Presidential contest in 2020 in what is a very politically divided state.

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