Wyoming Bill for a More Closed Primary System

On February 17, fifteen Wyoming legislators introduced SF 97. It would eliminate the ability of a voter to change affiliation on primary day at the polls. Instead any changes in partisan affiliation would need to be made approximately two months before any primary. Here is the bill.


Wyoming Bill for a More Closed Primary System — 8 Comments

  1. Parties should be able to decide these things for themselves.

    Whose party is it? The state does not own the parties.

  2. Again –

    parties = factions of PUBLIC Electors.

    1989 EU opin – internal clubby stuff vs PUBLIC stuff.

  3. @WZ,

    The state owns the parties. It maintains their membership rosters and operates their nomination contests.

  4. @JR:

    Eu v San Francisco established that political parties are private associations. The state is not required to maintain their membership rosters, or specify their nomination procedures.

    The Libertarian Party maintains a roster of members distinct from the voter registration lists, and specifies its own nomination rules in its bylaws.

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