Alabama Republican Party Disqualifies Four Legislative Candidates from Running in its Primary

The Alabama Republican Party disqualified four legislative candidates from running in its May 2022 primary, not three as previously reported. Elaine Beech was disqualified because she had previously served in the legislature as a Democrat, but her time in the legislature had expired in 2018. She was told the waiting period for former Democrats is six years. See this story.


Alabama Republican Party Disqualifies Four Legislative Candidates from Running in its Primary — 16 Comments

  1. He probably sent a love letter to Putin, which was rejected. He then went on another rant about purge lists.

  2. Putin loves the BAN trolls as useful idiots.

    Do they get paid with Putin vodka [made UKR potatoes] to dull their 666 brain cells even worse ???

  3. 666 V. Putin nuke forces in 666 Russia on high alert.

    Possible END of human life — 7 billion plus — on Mother Earth ??? —

    Too many 666 Putin MORONS to count ???

  4. You’re the 666 moron. Nuclear forces are on alert to prevent western invasion. Is xiden senile enough to pull the trigger? If not, 7 billion will live.

  5. Thomas Jones = az = DemoRep. It’s a real shame that Richard does not moderate this site. What a waste.

  6. At least the FBI, DOD, CIA, Interpol, etc. are now aware of the 666 Putin troll agents on BAN with their fake names.

    Wait for NO knock 4 AM arrests.

  7. Wow, you really are a fascist. What happened to free speech? Or are you just trolling? People should be arrested just for expressing views you don’t like? You should change your new fake name to be more truthful, like fascist commie or communist fash. Unfortunately telling the truth is just not something you ever do.

  8. I lived in the Ukraine for a year. The Ukrainians are the nastiest people on the face of the earth. They don’t believe using soap to bathe, they don’t like using toilet paper, they think farting out loud is funny and encourage it especially in church, and the entire gov’t is corrupt, plus they like to agitate Russia as a favorite pass time. Russia needs to bomb them with Lysol.

  9. Nastier than lower caste Indians, unacculturated Brazilians, or that tribe in New Guinea where the youth are required to perform fellatio on the elders?

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