Tennessee Bill to Require Congressional Candidates to Have Lived in the State Three Years Advances

On March 8, the Tennessee House Local Government Committee passed HB 2764. It imposes a residency requirement of three years in the state, to run for Congress. It is similar to SB 2616, which passed the Senate on February 28. The difference between the two bills is that the House bill would not take effect until 2023, whereas the Senate bill takes effect this year.

The bills clearly violate the U.S. Supreme Court holding in U.S. Term Limits v Thornton, the 1995 decision that said neither states nor congress can add to the constitutional qualifications to run for congress.


Tennessee Bill to Require Congressional Candidates to Have Lived in the State Three Years Advances — 2 Comments

  1. Bad idea. Anything that throws barriers and obstacles into getting on the ballot is a bad idea.

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