Washington State Legislature Adjourns; Only Two Election Law Bills Passed

The Washington State Legislature adjourned on March 10. The 2022 session only passed two election law bills. HB 1357 provides that overseas voters may obtain an electronic copy of the Voters Pemphlet from their county elections office. HB 1716 concerns voting centers.

Interesting bills that failed to pass include: two bills to use ranked choice voting in presidential primaries (HB 1926 and SB 5851); and HB 1265, which would have provided for a presidential primary ballot for voters who don’t want to sign in as members of a party that is holding a presidential primary.


Washington State Legislature Adjourns; Only Two Election Law Bills Passed — 3 Comments

  1. ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander regimes in ALL 50 States.

    1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4

    Super-worse extremist primary math.
    NOOO primaries.
    PR – all legis body elections.

  2. How would ranked choice work when the primary is proportional representation (as it is in Washington)?
    Does it only reassign votes for candidates that don’t make the 15% threshold?

  3. @eeyn,

    The bills HB 1926 and SB 5851 did not specify. They left everything up to the SOS. They did not go beyond being referred to committee.

    I saw a bill somewhere (NH?) that would simply eliminate candidates until every continuing candidate reached a threshold (typically 15% under Democrat rules)

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