New Jersey U.S. House Independent Petition in 2022 is Fifty Signatures Instead of the Normal 100

Ordinarily, New Jersey requires 100 signatures for U.S. House, for independent candidates and the nominees of unqualified parties. However, in years after redistricting, the law says only 50 are needed. There are no filing fees in New Jersey.

The only other states with statutory lower requirements in years after redistricting, for U.S. House, are Illinois and Florida. In Illinois the requirement in years after redistricting is 5,000. In Florida the petition in lieu of filing fee is substantially lower than in normal years.


New Jersey U.S. House Independent Petition in 2022 is Fifty Signatures Instead of the Normal 100 — 4 Comments

  1. Once in a while there is a crowded general election ballot in New Jersey for US House. The most candidates was eleven, in 1958, in the 13th district.

  2. Write-in ballots are never crowded. Tabulation list for write-in votes might be long but that’s what election administrators are paid to manage.

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