Some Georgia Voters Ask Secretary of State to Bar Marjorie Taylor Greene from Republican Primary Ballot on Qualifications Grounds

On March 24, some Georgia voters asked the Secretary of State to remove Comgresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s name from the Republican primary ballot, for U.S. House, 14th district. They say she doesn’t meet the qualifications listed in the U.S. Constitution. They specifically cite the 14th amendment language about insurrection. See this story. Thanks to HowAppealing for the link.


Some Georgia Voters Ask Secretary of State to Bar Marjorie Taylor Greene from Republican Primary Ballot on Qualifications Grounds — 22 Comments

  1. What a bunch of nonsense. Sitting members of congress could not be trespassing at the capitol on January 6 last year, they work there and they were there working. This doesn’t even begin to pass the laugh test.

  2. How do they even begin to accuse someone of trespassing at their own workplace during business hours?

  3. What a sad trend that is going on in America now regarding ballot access. More effort seems to be in trying to keep candidates off the ballot than getting candidates on the ballot. Don’t ya just love DUMOCRACY?

  4. I’d like to see Donald Trump as speaker of the house and Marjorie Taylor Greene as Majority Leader. If we can’t get Trump as Speaker I would be for MTG as Speaker.

  5. Trump should be made Speaker of the House after the mid-terms and then have both Kamala and Biden impeached and removed. Trump will then be president and Republicans can select Greene as the next Speaker.

  6. She definitely meets the qualifications for an involuntary mental health hold. Too bad Regan defunded all the nut houses and turned the lunatics loose in the 80’s.

  7. It was not me. I am not overton. I NEVER use a pseudonym. I only comment under my own name.

  8. Overton was agreeing with the above comment by Fact Checker regarding Trump being elected Speaker of the House then impeaching and removing Biden and Harris allowing Trump to be President before the election in 2024. That is a scenario that I would NEVER say sounds good. Only a Trump supporter would say that. I do not support Trump. I am not Overton.

  9. I apologize. My eyes are blurry and I confused the time 5:28 woth 6:58. “The Truth” was saying that I was Thomas White not Overton. My cataracts make it very difficult to read at times. Sometimes my eyes are clear and sometimes extremely blurry. That is one reason for my many typos. I apologize for the mistake.

    I am not Thomas White. I dis not make the comment at 6:58am.I do not think any court can prevent someone from running for or serving in office. That is for the voters to decide. Congress does have the power to refuse to seat an elected member, but I don’t that will ever happen today.

  10. How many troll morons in the USA minority rule gerrymander Congress ???

    esp having BAN posts ???

  11. Who is this Regan you speak of Stock? Secretary of the Treasury in the 80’s? What jurisdiction did he have over nut houses?

  12. I am not the one who made the comment that used the name Regan. I am not Thomas White. I NEVER use a pseudonym I only comment under my own name.

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