Montana Newspaper Story Finally Mentions that Green Party is Back on Ballot

Here is a Montana newspaper story about the March 30 federal court settlement that puts the Green Party back on the ballot. This appears to be the first newspaper story in the state on this news. Thanks to Steve Kelly for the link.

UPDATE: here is a second newspaper story, also published on April 2.
Here is another one, also published April 2.


Montana Newspaper Story Finally Mentions that Green Party is Back on Ballot — 14 Comments

  1. Commies and fascists couldn’t stop them.

    Fixed it for you, former DemoRep.

  2. @TheTruth You can’t handle the truth, because you don’t know the truth. Winger himself has told you and other retards I’m not Stock.

  3. I am not SocraticGadfly. I did not make that comment. I NEVER use a pseudonym. I only comment under my own name.

  4. The comment is not from me. I NEVER use a pseudonym. I only comment under my own name. I am not SocraticGadfly.

  5. Montana is a pretty conservative state, how well does the green party do?

  6. “the facts” That is my comment, but it is not garbage. What is garbage is the God Damned lie that I comment under pseudonyms. I do not comment under false names.

  7. “what’s what” It is my comment. No one else’s. It is not garbage. I am not SocraticGadfly. I have NEVER commmented under a pseudonym. I only comment under my own name.

  8. “What’s what” The comment is mine and no one else’s. I am not SocraticGadfly. I have NEVER used a pseudonym. I only comment under my own name.

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