New York Governor Supports Plan for a New Fusion Party That Would Cross-Endorse Democrats

On April 11, New York Governor Kathy Hochul said she favors the creation of a new party in New York that would cross-endorse Democratic nominees, according to this story.


New York Governor Supports Plan for a New Fusion Party That Would Cross-Endorse Democrats — 10 Comments

  1. As with the Working Families Party, a third party that exists only or primarily to support major party candidates is not really an “alternative” party. It has long been a normal practice in New York for a major party candidate, if he cannot get a second line from an established third party, will create a party name and petition for a second line on the ballot. Sometimes a major party will create a second line for most of its candidates – in 1938 the Republican Party in New York created an “Independent Progressive” line for the voting machine and it provided a second line for almost all Republican candidates, then it went out of business. The new governor’s plan is part of the normal manipulation of voters by New York’s political parties.

  2. Can’t she just recycle the Women’s Equality Party that she made with Cuomo?

  3. Wasn’t Jay Jacobs appointed by the former governor, Andrew Cuomo, to head the commission that proposed raising the standard for qualification for political parties? You may recall that the threshold was slightly more than the Working Families received in each of the previous elections.

    Perhaps the goal is to split the WF vote so that it is disqualified.

    An alternative purpose is to “demonstrate” that it is easy to qualify a new party, and that any ongoing litigation is meritless.

  4. The resignation of the Lt. Governor is also covered @ Politico

    The Politico article mentions the other two candidates for Lt Governor in the Democrat primary, noting the candidates for Governor they are associated with. In New York, the Governor and Lt. Governor are elected as a ticket, apparently Governor and Lt Governor candidates are nominated separately in the primary.

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