North Carolina Challengers to Madison Cawthorn Ask Fourth Circuit to Reinstate Their Ability to Challenge Him

On April 14, the North Carolina voters who are challenging the ballot position of Congressman Madison Cawthorn filed this brief in Cawthorn v Amalfi, 22-1251, Fourth Circuit. They argue that the U.S. District Court was wrong to conclude that when Congress passed an amnesty bill for ex-Confederates, that amnesty extended indefinitely into the future and covered everyone who might have engaged in insurrection.

They also argue that the U.S. District Court was wrong when it refused to let these voter-intervenors into the case. The challengers are the only appellants in the Fourth Circuit, because the State Board of Elections did not appeal.

Cawthorn is safely on the May primary ballot, so if the challengers win in the Fourth Circuit, and Cawthorn has been defeated in the primary, the case will be moot. If Cawthorn wins his primary, or qualifies for a run-off primary, the case will proceed.


North Carolina Challengers to Madison Cawthorn Ask Fourth Circuit to Reinstate Their Ability to Challenge Him — 1 Comment

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