Ralph Nader Launches Print Publication with Investigative Stories About Problems with U.S. Congress

Earlier this month, Ralph Nader launched a print publication, “Capitol Hill Citizen”, with stories by investigative reporters about problems with the Congress of the United States. The first issue, dated “April 2022” is forty pages, on paper ten inches by fifteen inches (the same size as many daily print newspapers). There is content other than Congress, but the main emphasis is Congress.

Information on how to receive a copy is at www.capitolhillcitizen.com. Future publication schedule is not yet determined, but it may be a monthly or perhaps twice monthly.


Ralph Nader Launches Print Publication with Investigative Stories About Problems with U.S. Congress — 17 Comments

  1. Can even Nader detect the ANTI-Democracy gerrymander math ROT in the USA Congress ???

    1/2 or less x 1/2 = 1/4 or less.

    Super-worse extremist primary math – esp if no incumbent.

    commie/fascist gerrymander monarchs meet in gerrymander oligarch rooms behind closed doors, choose gang monarch super -hacks and conspire away – since 1789.

    SOME results- genocide of American Indians to 1890, more slave states in 1789-1860, nonstop UN-declared wars, insane annual deficits and debts, etc etc etc.


  2. Wow, they got somebody that actually used to be famous? Wow again. I thought it was a battle royale between Milnes self declared echo chambers and troll wars between “Daemon Sims” and “Ron Paul Cesar” or “Bo Jiden” and “Tonal Drump” now over there.

  3. Ralph Nader actually did a lot for third parties to obtain ballot access in the USA when he ran for office.

  4. Actually, most print newspapers are approximately 11×22. 10×15 is one version of a “tabloid” format, used by only a small portion of US newspapers. It’s most common with “alt weeklies,” but very rare with other newspapers.


    Oleg: IPR came under new ownership a year ago. I’m an occasional contributor, normally about Green Party related issues.

  5. Ralph Nader won several constitutional ballot access cases that continue to be helpful to minor party and independent candidates. He won against the June petition deadline for independent presidential candidates in both Arizona and South Dakota. He won against the number of signatures for an independent presidential candidate in Idaho, decreasing the requirement from about 6,000 signatures, to exactly 1,000 signatures. He won a Wisconsin case in 2004 that established an independent presidential candidate is not absolutely required to have one presidential elector candidate from each U.S. House district. He won an Arkansas case in 2004 that said the independent presidential petition doesn’t need to say the signers support the candidate. He won a 2004 Colorado case that said a party is free to nominate a presidential candidate who is not a member of that party. He won a 2004 Florida case that said the law did not require a ballot-qualified party to be on the ballot in more than one other state, if it wants to nominate for president. He won a 2004 Maine case that said signers of a petition don’t need to include their middle initials. He won a 2004 Maryland case that signatures on a party petition don’t need to be segregated by county. He won a 2004 New Mexico case that an independent presidential candidate in New Mexico can qualify even if he or she is a party nominee in other states. He won a 2004 Pennsylvania case that said the same thing as the New Mexico case. He won a 2004 West Virginia case that said circulators don’t need to show their credentials to people whom they approach.

  6. Nader, like the LP, failed to win the Big One –

    getting the ENTIRE line of SCOTUS Junk starting with Williams v Rhodes OVER-ruled.

    Separate is NOT equal.
    Equal in 14-1 Amdt.
    Individual candidates are nominated / elected — NOT *parties*.

  7. Stock, yes, I know. But come on. You were never famous like Nader used to be. You’ve never been anything more famous or important than a crappy blogger and rude motel 6 night clerk.

  8. I knew Nader is a has been but I had no idea he had sunk so low as to be personally posting his articles to the playground of Milnes and Stockfly.

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