New York State Democratic Chair Plans to Support Creation of “Fair Deal Party”

According to this story, New York Democratic Party state chair Jay Jacobs wants to support a petition drive for the “Fair Deal Party”, which would cross-endorse likely Democratic gubernatorial nominee Kathy Hochul. The story also says that a Republican candidate for Governor, Harry Wilson, wants to launch a petition drive to create the UniteNY Party.

April 19 is the first day in which petitioning for the general election ballot is allowed. May 31 is the petition deadline. The story says that the first day to petition is April 24. Thanks to Michael Drucker for the link.


New York State Democratic Chair Plans to Support Creation of “Fair Deal Party” — 6 Comments

  1. In the city election in 1937, there were 10 party columns on the New York City voting machine – 4 for Mayor LaGuardia, 3 for the Democrat, Jeremiah Mahoney, a column for the Socialist Labor Party, and a column for the Socialist Party and a column for the Communist Party. 10 party columns but only 3 candidates for Mayor.

  2. New York State Democrats really want to kill the WFP.

    I don’t get why Cuomo (now Hochul) just didn’t reject the ballot line. They’re going to win anyway and it’d require the WFP to stand on their own feet.

    I lost all respect for the WFP in 2018 after all the sh*t they said about Cuomo and then after Nixon lost the primary they went and nominated Cuomo, the guy they hated.

  3. @az,

    NY ballots have a limited number of rows (for NYS) and columns (for NYC). If there are more parties than space, the parties are doubled up.

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