U.S. Supreme Court Rules Against SSI Benefits for Puerto Rico

On April 21, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an opinion in U.S. v Vaello Madero, 20-303. It says the Fifth Amendment Due Process Clause does not require the United States to offer SSI benefits to U.S. citizens living in Puerto Rico. The vote is 8-1. Although this is not an election law case, it will injure the pending lawsuits filed by U.S. citizens who moved from a state into a territory. They cannot vote absentee in their former states of residence, even though if they had moved from a state to a foreign country, they could continue to vote absentee. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the news about the U.S. Supreme Court decision.

SSI is federal welfare for aged and disabled persons. Here is the opinion.


U.S. Supreme Court Rules Against SSI Benefits for Puerto Rico — 6 Comments

  1. Do US citizens who move to an associated state, such as Micronesia, get to vote absentee in their former home states?

  2. Small correction, the decision involves the Fifth Amendment (not the 14th).

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