Both Sides Agree to a Delay in Final Part of the Georgia Ballot Access Case

Both sides in the Georgia ballot access lawsuit, Cowen v Raffensperger, n.d., 1:17cv-4660, have agreed to postpone the remaining part of the case. This is the case over the 5% petition for independent candidates for U.S. House, and the nominees of unqualified parties. The U.S. District Court had struck down the law on First Amendment grounds, but then the Eleventh Circuit had reinstated it.

So far, the equal protection part of the lawsuit still has not been adjudicated, and remains pending in U.S. District Court. Both sides have agreed to postpone that part of the case until the plaintiffs can ask the U.S. Supreme Court to consider the First Amendment part of the case.


Both Sides Agree to a Delay in Final Part of the Georgia Ballot Access Case — 2 Comments

  1. Brain dead SCOTUS failure in 1968 Williams v Rhodes to note 1954 Brown v Bd of Ed.

    Result — perversions of both 14 amdt EPC and 1 amdt. — 54 years of Conlaw morons.

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