Nancy Jacobson, Founder of “No Labels”, Writes that an Independent Centrist Presidential Candidate Will Arise in 2024

Nancy Jacobson, founder of “No Labels”, here predicts in The Hill that there will be an independent centrist presidential candidate in 2024 who will have appeal to many voters.


Nancy Jacobson, Founder of “No Labels”, Writes that an Independent Centrist Presidential Candidate Will Arise in 2024 — 20 Comments

  1. The Democraps may nominate a Buttiegg/Booker ticket which would also be two homosexuals and it might get more than 1%.

    Or the transgenda Big Mike and whatever loser batty boy he runs with.

  2. They might get more than 1% but their percentage will still be lower than McGovern’s. Trump will wipe the floor with any of them. They won’t be able to cheat their way out of this one.

  3. If Biden and Trump are the Democrat and Republican candidates for President, the alternative candidates will receive higher vote percentages than in previous Presidential elections.

  4. If Donald Trump is the Republican presidential candidate in 2024, I expect he will be more popular than ever.

  5. The only thing closest to a centrist candidate I know nowadays is Joe Manchin.

  6. Trump/Tucker Carlson would be the real center of public opinion. Anything to the left of that is a fake center created by fake news and their satanic financiers like Soros who sold their souls to Satan.

  7. Swing states should adopt ranked choice voting for President in anticipation of any such development.

  8. Florida has made rank abortion voting illegal. Not sure about any other states. God bless Florida. Make America Florida!!!

  9. Condorcet = RCV done right.

    Troll morons — stuck in 1 choice plurality / area politics Stone Age.

    Progress in political *science* as in chemistry, physics, etc. since Stone Age.

  10. The local representative must always represent his local constituency. Plurality area voting is the only kind that makes any sense.

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