New York Primary for U.S. House and State Senate Will be August 23

On April 28, a New York state court issued an order setting the primaries for U.S. House and State Senate for August 23. The original primary date was June 28, but the primaries for those two offices had to be postponed because there are no valid district boundaries for those two offices yet.

The order says the legislature is free to move the June 28 primary for other offices to August 23.

The order also says a further order will set forth new rules for ballot access. See this story.


New York Primary for U.S. House and State Senate Will be August 23 — 6 Comments

  1. Will the Prof Master fix the fate of Western Civilization in 2023-2032 ???

    ie gerrymander CONTROL of USA H Reps ???

    SCOTUS on WAR alert — now to Jan 2023 ???

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