Common Sense Party Re-Files as a Political Body in California

The Common Sense Party recently re-filed as a political body in California. A “political body” is a group that is trying to qualify as a party with a registration drive. The party didn’t have enough registrations to qualify for 2022, but it is continuing the drive and hopes to qualify for 2024.


Common Sense Party Re-Files as a Political Body in California — 4 Comments

  1. There is no state-interest in requiring 10s of thousands of registrants for a party to be qualified. In California the primary purpose of party qualification is to permit candidates to express their party preference on the ballot.

    California has created a limited public forum. It should not suppress expression of viewpoints because they are not popular or challenge the orthodoxy of the current hexopoly.

  2. NOOOO caucuses, primaries and conventions for office nominations.

    Nom pets/filing fees — Individual candidates with their ballot labels – partisan / whatever.


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