Colorado Constitution Party Nominates New Member Who Had Sought Republican Nomination Earlier

On April 28, Danielle Neuschwanger switched her registration from Republican to Constitution. On April 30 the Constitution Party nominated her for Governor of Colorado. Neuschwanger earlier this year had been seeking the Republican gubernatorial nomination. She had received 27% of the vote at the Republican endorsements convention, below the 30% needed to run in the Republican primary without a petition. See this story.


Colorado Constitution Party Nominates New Member Who Had Sought Republican Nomination Earlier — 18 Comments

  1. I think they’re called American Constitution so they’re first on the ballot?

  2. Unfortunately has become a joke. The comment section is over run by Trump nationalists and the organization has basically been bought by corporate interests. Should have know after their last “webathon” (fundraiser) when they raised some of the most money they ever raised in one year, but had one of lowest total number of donors in a very long time…. Aka a few large donors donated a bulk of their funding, as opposed to prior years of numerous small donors.

    They’ve conveniently now started taking on a more Christian Democratic bent in a lot of their coverage (seems to be a recent proliferation of anti-abortion writers there now, for example) and have become mildly hawkish.

  3. Anyone who wants to argue with that is also a communist. You should never trust a communist.

  4. @Sam… cool I’m a commie then. What are you proving by making shit up? You’re ignorance? Whatever, I’m a communist I guess. Other than engaging in slander (I could sue your ass) that riles up other neo-nazi Trump people you’re doing nothing.

  5. Well at least you admit you’re a communist, so that’s a start anyway.

  6. Both rotted World Wars and various later wars won by commies — China, Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Ukraine- in progress.

    Commies = more arrogant killer/enslaver monarchs/oligarchs — looting the population

    — ie no starving top commies — see the top pig in NK esp.

    See mini-book Animal Farm — commie pigs at work.

    Nothing new in 6,000 plus years.

  7. LOL, Alden threatens to sue because people are calling him out for his communist ways. Just like a communist he wants to use the force of law and the guns of the state to keep people from speaking our truth, which is THE truth. And just to put a cherry on it he calls Trump supporters Nazis. He must want you to forget that Nazis are national SOCIALISTS and have way way more on common with commies like himself than they do with freedom loving, gun toting, Jesus fearing, TRUMP supporting Patriots.

  8. “Aiden” does not believe in free speech. Typical communist. Probably supports the Ministry of Truth.

  9. Aiden (an obvious fake name using an IP anonymizer) is going to sue because someone said Alden is a communist.

    I guess Alden is his real name.

    “You’re ignorance?”

    Alden’s jokes right themselves. LMFAO!

  10. I found Alden’s Twitter page

    His real name is Alden Link. He was involved with Tom Stevens, an admitted homosexual and objectivist. He likes John Bolton because of the mustache. He supports “Build Back Better.” He worships the vaccine. He was Warren Redlich’s running mate. He ran for President.

  11. Bring it on Alden,you dirty commie. My lawyer can and will kick your lawters ass.

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