Maine Bill Letting Independents Vote in Partisan Primaries Becomes Law

On May 9, Maine LD 231 finally became law. It lets independent voters choose a partisan primary ballot, without having to join that party on the spot. Governor Janet Mills did not sign it, but she let it become law without her signature.

It took a long time for this bill to pass. It was introduced in early 2021 and passed both chambers in 2021, but then it was laid on the budget table, meaning it still hadn’t passed until the budget was settled. On April 25, 2022, it was finally removed from the budget table.


Maine Bill Letting Independents Vote in Partisan Primaries Becomes Law — 14 Comments

  1. NOOOO extremist primaries.

    EQUAL ballot access — genl elections – INDIVIDUAL candidates – nom pets / filing fees


  2. Alvin Greene is the kind of Democrat who could have won in South Carolina. He would probably be Republican today. He would’ve been much better than Deminted who started the recession and quit on the state to join the pointless Heritage foundation.

  3. Tim Scott is basically the same person as Alvin Greene.

    Democrats really a had a good thing and they threw it all away.

  4. Let the tactical primary voting begin … between this and ranked choice voting, pretty much means only do nothing Republicans and Progressive Democrats will get elected. Progressive Democrats have a pretty iron grip on the party and will make sure they’ve got people who to the line as their candiates. The Republican Party has a strong working class conservative base and a wealthy moderate donor wing. Should continue to produce leaders like Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe and the like. This does probably hurt the Republican party more than the Democratic one (the Maine legislature that passed the bill was overwhelmingly Democratic controlled with much of the power in the Progressive wing of the party) but it might help some 3rd Parties like the Libertarian Party get more support.

  5. This is generally called a semi-closed primary. We’ve had that in NC for a long time. Voters registered Unaffiliated can vote in a party primary, at the party’s discretion. So a party can exclude the Unaffiliateds if it wants, but all of the parties (currently D, R, Libertarian) allow them. It doesn’t really change much. Probably the biggest effect is to encourage people to register Unaffiliated. U’s are now slightly more numerous than than either D’s or R’s.

  6. “Maine needs Paul LePage back in office.”

    Yes, every state needs leaders like Paul LePage!

  7. I voted today in Brunswick Maine.
    My ID was not needed and at the end of the line my sealed enveloped was put in a basket. Not a secure locked box.
    Is this safe voting. I would think it would be easy to cheat. After I left I had a bad feeling about it. Just saying!

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