New York State Trial Court Sets Petitioning Period for Independent Candidates for U.S. House and State Senate

On May 11, a New York state trial court said that the petitioning period for independent candidates, and the nominees of unqualified parties, for U.S. House and State Senate, will be from May 21 through July 5. Harkenrider v Hochul, Steuben County Supreme Court, E2022-0116cv.

The period is only 45 days, and starts the day after the new boundaries will have been released. The primary for U.S. House and State Senate will be August 23. There seems to be no reason why the independent petitions couldn’t be due on August 23, except for the New York habit that the petitioning period is quite short.

See the order here. The order also sets out procedures for primary candidates for U.S. House and State Senate. Thanks to Joe Burns for the link.

The order has no relevance to statewide petitions. However the statewide petitions need 500 signatures from each of half the U.S. House districts. It is very unjust to retain those distribution requirements and yet keep the statewide petition deadlines on May 31.


New York State Trial Court Sets Petitioning Period for Independent Candidates for U.S. House and State Senate — 1 Comment

  1. Judicial takeover of election *law* or what ???

    due to gerrymander hacks chaos.

    PR — since 1840s -1840s

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