Indiana Ballot Access Case

As reported previously, on March 17, the Indiana Green Party filed a federal lawsuit over the large number of signatures needed for the nominees of unqualified parties to get on the ballot. Indiana Green Party v Sullivan, s.d., 1:22cv-518. No statewide minor party or independent candidate petition has succeeded in Indiana since 2000. Indiana is one of only four states in which Ralph Nader never appeared on the ballot. The other three, Georgia, Oklahoma, and North Carolina, have since Nader last ran eased their procedures for presidential candidates, if not for all office.

The Indiana case is getting a slow start, because the state has twice asked for a delay in responding. The original response was due April 13, but now it is due May 18.


Indiana Ballot Access Case — 1 Comment

  1. Green lawyers able to detect EQUAL in 14-1 Amdt any better than LP lawyers ???

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