Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences to Use Instant Runoff Voting for “Best Picture”

On August 31, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences said it will use Instant Runoff Voting to choose the “best picture” Oscar winner. In June 2009, the Academy had decided to nominate ten movies, not five, for “best picture”. The Academy apparently believed that, with so many nominees, IRV will result in a fairer decision. The Academy had also used IRV for “best picture” in 1945 and earlier years. Thanks to Rob Richie for this news. See this story from the Los Angeles Times. Also see Blair Bobier’s commentary at the New America Foundation blog.


Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences to Use Instant Runoff Voting for “Best Picture” — 3 Comments

  1. Approval Voting NOW — vote for 1 or more — who/which are *approved*.

    Highest win.

    SAME for all public elections for NONPARTISAN elected executive officers and all judges.

    P.R. for legislative bodies.

    Pending MAJOR public education about head to head math — which lots of dumber voters may NEVER understand ???

  2. Pingback: “Best Picture” award at the Oscars will be chosen by IRV (Instant Runoff Voting) « OntheWilderSide

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