California Top-Two Primary Results

California held its top-two primary on June 7. No independent candidates placed first or second for any statewide race, nor for any U.S. House race. The California press had speculated that an independent candidate might place first or second for Governor and for Attorney General. But only Democrats and Republicans placed first or second in any statewide race. All statewide races will be one Democrat versus one Republican, except that Insurance Commissioner might be two Democrats, although more votes must be counted before this is certain.

For U.S. House, there will be one minor party candidate on the November ballot. This was predictable, because in the Tenth District, the only two candidates who filed to be on the primary ballot were a Democrat and a Green.

There will be two Democrats running against each other in November in these districts: 9, 15, 16, 34, 37, and maybe 30. There are no districts with two Republicans.


California Top-Two Primary Results — 26 Comments

  1. I voted to recall Chesa Boudin. I myself have been the victim of a burglery while we were asleep in the house. That was April 22, 2022. I would have voted to recall him in any event.

  2. All right, Richard.

    Hopefully, George Gascon, the District Attorney for Los Angeles County, gets the boot next.

  3. Have you ever thought about moving to a safer area? San Francisco has been a shithole for decades.

  4. San Francisco is a stunningly beautiful city with a wonderful climate, very good air, very good water, and close to misty mountains, a rugged coastline, majestic forests, lots of wildlife in the city (especially birds, also raccoons, coyotes).

  5. Richard, have you ever had any dealings with Dave Meltzer? He like yourself has been a newsletter writer in a niche industry for decades and is not from San Francisco, but is from San Jose.

  6. Anne Marie Schubert the independent candidate for AG did not appear to have any resonance outside Sacramento (and adjacent counties of Nevada, Placer, Yolo) where she is the DA.

    The governor’s race was wishful thinking.

    California should permit election in a September primary.

  7. We would all be better off as a nation if the coastal areas of California fell into the ocean.

  8. There is no constant cold wind in San Francisco. The weather in summer is cool, not because of wind, but because of fog. Also I have never seen a hypodermic needle on a street in San Francisco.

  9. I have spent lots of time in California, but I have only been to San Francisco twice. I was there in 2002 for a few days, and I was there for a day in 2005. It is a neat place. It is a very interesting place to visit. It has some really beautiful places and some great tourist attractions (like the Alcatraz tour).

    Now would I want to live in San Francisco myself? No, but I can see why some people like it, particularly if they are from there and used to it.

    San Francisco is extremely expensive. I think it is the most expensive major city in California. I think it is also the furthest to the left politically of California’s major cities (yes, it is to the left of Los Angeles, if you can imagine that).

    The problems with homelessness and crime has gotten much worse in California since I first went there in the 1990’s. It used to be that most of the homelessness and crime was confined to certain areas, but now it has spread into areas where one did not uses to see it. These things have actually gotten noticeably worse over the last 5 years.

  10. I have been to Candlestick Park, which was windy, but was atypical of San Francisco weather and was on the border with San Mateo County.

  11. I don’t care about the cold or wind but every time I’ve been there lately you have to step over bums, dirty syringes, human waste, broken glass and trash on the sidewalks. It’s disgusting, nasty and dangerous. The bums scream at you, themselves, each other or panhandle aggressively or both. People inject drugs out in the open like as if it was legal. Petty theft is endemic all over the place. I did not see any sexual assaults but I am sure they are too.

  12. San Francisco new slogan

    The high cost of living ain’t nothing like the cost of living high…

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