Al Gross, Independent Candidate, Withdraws from Alaska U.S. House Race, Both from the Special Election and the Regular Election

On June 20, Al Gross said he will withdraw from the Alaska U.S. House race. He placed in the top four in the special primary, and the law permits withdrawal from the primary but says the withdrawal must be made at least 64 days before the general election. According to this story, Gross withdrew too late. But the story also says that the proponents of the top-four initiative say the intent is to have a shorter deadline for special elections. If the initiative proponents are right and the state allows the fifth-place finisher to join the special general election in place of the withdrawn candidate, then there will be three Republicans and one Democrat on the special general election ballot in August.


Al Gross, Independent Candidate, Withdraws from Alaska U.S. House Race, Both from the Special Election and the Regular Election — 16 Comments

  1. One more Gross machination in a regime ???
    NOOO rotted primaries and their machinations.

    ONE election day.
    equal nom pets/sigs — fees

  2. Richard Winger is now deleting posts saying he hates free speech, which he does! That explains why he supports Biden.

  3. @Winger hates free speech …. Aww cute, another dumb ass that doesn’t understand freedom of association. And the fact that private organization don’t have any constitutional liability. You don’t have any rights on private property, other than those rights which the property owner chooses to allow. Doesn’t matter if it’s physical or digital… go into a store and start yelling and watch how fast you’re kicked out; literally no different.

  4. @Winger hates free speech… Do you want business owners to be compelled to associate with people now? So you’re okay with Christian bakers being required to bake a gay wedding cake? That’s equally compelled association as mandating that private websites allow the posting of any and all content a user wishes to post.

    For the record, I’m against both, no website should be compelled to carry anybody’s speech nor should a baker be compelled to service any customer they wish not to.

  5. The garbage comments on June 21, 2022 at 7:50 pm and on June 21, 2022 at 7:54 pm are from Alden Link.

  6. This has to be the most schizophrenic comment section I’ve seen on the internet

  7. Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    My name is Dave

  8. His cock is purple
    Your pussy spayed
    He fucked Andy Gonzalez
    Now you got AIDS

  9. Why is Dave Letterman so out of step with the spirit of brown rainbow pride month? Doesn’t he know it is politically incorrect and totally not woke to make homophobic and anti-AIDS comments?

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