Some Michigan Voters File State Court Lawsuit to Disqualify Republican Gubernatorial Candidate for “Insurrection”

Some Michigan voters have filed a lawsuit in state court to disqualify Ryan Kelley from public office. He is a Republican candidate for Governor. The primary is August 2. See this story. The lawsuit says the Fourteenth Amendment’s “insurrection” clause should disqualify him. He was arrested recently for his actions at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, but he has not been convicted and he says he did not enter the Capitol Building.

The case is Estes v Secretary of State, in the State Court of Appeals, 362168.


Some Michigan Voters File State Court Lawsuit to Disqualify Republican Gubernatorial Candidate for “Insurrection” — 6 Comments

  1. 14-3 engaged — as found by who–

    brain dead media or party hack legis / execs/ judics ???

  2. The lawsuit will fail. He has not been convicted. Those charges are just opinions.

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