Counterpunch Runs Howie Hawkins’ History of Democratic Party Attempts in This Century to Eliminate Competition

Counterpunch has this very extensive and detailed account of Democratic Party attempts to limit voter choice on general elections, during this century.

The article is very interesting, but also lengthy. If Hawkins had wished, the article could have been made even longer if he had chosen to include instances from the 20th century, from 1936, 1940, 1948, 1976, and 1980.


Counterpunch Runs Howie Hawkins’ History of Democratic Party Attempts in This Century to Eliminate Competition — 2 Comments

  1. How many purges by commies???

    1917-1921 civil WAR in Russia
    1930s – Stalin purges
    1949-1975 Mao purges
    etc etc etc

    Keep having those public party regis lists in the USA >>> mass purges ANY day now —
    regardless of any party hack judges — esp SCOTUS hacks.

  2. Red Scare 2.0: Bernie Sanders is going to be elected any day now and the Bernie Bros are going to use voter registration purge lists to deport Republicans to Alabama, which is the US equivalent to Siberia.

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