Georgia Newspaper Story on Another Year in Which No Third Party or Independent Candidate Gets on Ballot for U.S. House

This newspaper story from Georgia says that the Libertarian candidate for U.S. House failed to get enough signatures to get on the ballot. It even quotes someone in the Secretary of State’s office who says that “it had never been done”, which is an honest thing for the Secretary of State to admit.


Georgia Newspaper Story on Another Year in Which No Third Party or Independent Candidate Gets on Ballot for U.S. House — 14 Comments

  1. The Republican Party controls the legislature in all southern states.

  2. Herschel Walker will win big. Then Trump will take Georgia again and this time it will count!

  3. Wow, It sucks that Georgia did not have any real competition in its US House races at all in 2022. Hopefully they will have better luck in 2024 to give Georgia some real hope. This nation will continue losing as long as the two parties keep continuing their ways.

  4. The GOP is no longer continuing its ways. Its very slowly becoming what the Reform, Libertarian, Constitution, American Independent and other such parties at one point showed promise of maybe one day becoming, but never materialized in their cases, ever since Donald Trump came to lead the GOP. The libertarians are just starting their recovery from an undercover communist take over circa 2010 or 2012 through 2022. I don’t know if the Constitution Party is dying or trying to make another recovery attempt, but reuniting with the American Independent Party may give it a slight boost if that actually happens. But on the other hand much of it’s value proposition is missing if Trump is again the Republican nominee, as seems extremely likely, and if the GOP continues to move in a Trump/Bannon direction, as also seems very likely.

    It’s good to have those other options in case the GOP reverts to pre Trump form . But right now Trump and the GOP are our best hope for actually achieving the things past candidates such as George Wallace, John Schmitz, Lester Maddox, Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, Bob Barr, Virgil Goode etc along with others who considered running nationally but didn’t such as Tom Tancredo promised or hoped to do but never did (I would include Perot to some extent, at least on economic and foreign policy issues). I think it’s pretty clear Trump will beat Biden by a landslide margin the Chinese Communist Party and their US Demon Rat fifth column traitor allies won’t be able to cheat their way out of again, and that Trump’s second term will be much, much better than his first.

  5. I honestly have major doubts that Trump and the GOP will change their ways. I’m sure Trump has done some good in his presidency, but I am extremely disappointed that he failed to keep his promise on abolishing NATO.

    Furthermore, people were praising Trump about “ending the korean war”, but peace talks ended up failing. As a result, the war is not officially over.

  6. Wait til the second term. He wasn’t free enough to act in the first. Now he finally understands how the system works.

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