Ohio Supreme Court Strikes Down U.S. House District Boundaries, Effective After 2022 Election is Over

On July 19, the Ohio Supreme Court struck down the state’s U.S. House district boundaries as an unconstitutional partisan gerrymander, based on the State Constitution. But the decision does not take effect until after the 2022 election. Neiman v LaRose, 2022-298 and 2022-303. Here is the decision. The vote was 4-3. Thanks to Political Wire for the link.


Ohio Supreme Court Strikes Down U.S. House District Boundaries, Effective After 2022 Election is Over — 24 Comments

  1. TOTAL failure again to detect G math —

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 rigged/packed gerrymander areas = 1/4 or less CONTROL = oligarchy.

    Much worse extremist primary math.

    Will the NOV 2022 gerrymander winning marginal Elephant USA Reps directly cause USA Civil W-A-R II in 2023-2024 ???

    esp the hacks in Ohio River areas ???

  2. Two abstentions? Ohio has nine justices. Don’t have time to scroll through the whole opinion.

  3. We the people elected Trump (twice) to drain the swamp and save America and make it great again. The first time the deep state and fake news evildoers and traitor scum nullified the will of the people with the Russia hoax and impeachment hoax part 1 and 2 and the ridiculous phony china virus plandemic. The second time they just plain rigged and stole the election and put in a dementia ridden puppet for the Chinese and Ukrainian oligarchs.

    So in 2024 when we the people elect Trump again he should be given a twelve (12) year term and it should count as his first term as far as his eligibility. And he should be made the President and CEO of the USA with the power to fire any congressman, judge, governor, mayor etc. As well as any CEO of any American company!

    Then at the end of 12 years we the people get to vote on whether to extend his leadership yet again. By then maybe it will be time to put one of his son’s in charge of the country. Or maybe not quite yet, and we keep Daddy in charge a little bit longer. Either way God bless America and God bless Trump. TRUMP 2024!!!

  4. ALWAYS some morons who love LAWLESS tyrants / dictators.

    see the fanatic MORONS who loved Lenin, Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, etc etc etc.

    and now Trump, Putin, Xi, etc.

  5. Haha that was a good one. Of course in reality creepy sleepy dementia pedo Joe Biden is the lawless puppet of lawless tyrant Xi.

  6. The garbage comment at 5:06 p.m. is the person who I have no desire to know their real identity but who gets ever fuller of shit every time he says that fallacious statement.

  7. Don’t be silly. Putin is a great president for Russia and Trump is the best president in the history of the USA. USA is Trump country. Trump 2024. How dumb do you have to be to still buy the Russia hoax in 2022?

  8. How many DEAD/injured in Ukraine due to the mass killer Putin and his stooge robot killers ???

    Failure to have kamakazi *civilized* *diplomats* with access to barbarian lawless killer Putin –

    to kill his/its evil 666 ass.

  9. Failure today in 1944 to kill the 666 mass killer Hitler by bomb.

    ZERO learned in how to deal with govt mass killers/enslavers.

    NOOOOO talk — direct FORCE.

    Give out medals/$$$ to hero dead estates who wipe out govt mass killers — like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Putin, ETC.

  10. azzwipe

    Russia is in the right in Ukraine. They are defending against multi-culti western imperialism, forced race mixing, white genocide, and the globalist gender bender agenda as well as against the Ukrainian nazi scum. Russia is defending Christian civilization, conservative patriarchy, and the White race from satanic leftist attacks. God bless Russia and God bless Putin.

  11. Russia = western MONGOLIA — full of killers

    Mongols in 1200s — almost wiped out Europe and did MAJOR damage to olde Muslim regimes —

    many Arab cities wiped out — piles of skulls.

    Arabs still in Stone/Dark Age ex- Saddam – ex-Khadaffi , now Iran / Saudi Arabia monarchs.

    Mongol rot also into China — ex Mao – now Xi.

  12. Trump is the people’s choice to lead our Nation
    And Trump is also the key to save our civilization
    From hordes of swarthy foreigners who are sneaking in
    We must preserve the tone of our grandchildrens skin
    Trump will save us from evil globalist gender benders
    And stop the great replacement white genocide racial enders
    He’ll keep us Christian and bowing to God
    And remind all the parents to not spare the rod
    He’ll drain the swamp and lock Hillary up
    Because she’s an evil witch and completely corrupt
    He’ll stop us from getting into world war three
    And preserve the home of the brave and the land of the free
    Round up the illegals, deport every last one
    And not rest for a second til our great wall is done
    Trump will end the Holocaust of abortion for good
    And appoint more wise justices to make it understood
    That God is back in our schools and men lead our families
    And forced integration will become but a memory
    So for all of these reasons and so many more
    Let each and all of us vote Trump in ’24!

  13. Fucking retard Thomas Jones wants us to write a blank check for Ukraine and send our military to fight Russia. Staying completely out is how this should be handled.

  14. Somebody’s full of bullshit. The Russians are not the same people as the Mongoloids. Read a history book!

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