Libertarian National Committee Files Amicus Brief in Georgia Ballot Access Case

On September 1, the Libertarian Party National Committee filed this amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court in Cowen v Raffensperger, 22-101, the Georgia ballot access case.


Libertarian National Committee Files Amicus Brief in Georgia Ballot Access Case — 8 Comments

  1. ONE more FATAL NO mention of 1954 Brown v Bd of Ed.

    Too many BAAAAADE ballot access so-called lawyers to count in LP cases since 1970.

  2. How is this case different then the infamous Georgia ballot access case from the 1970s?

  3. 1. The evidence in Jenness v Fortson was zero. The Socialist Workers Party did not submit any evidence showing the burden of the petition. It merely argued that any petition requirement is unconstitutional because no one needed a petition to get on the primary ballot.
    2. The law is different than it was in 1970. Back then Georgia required a 5% petition (of the number of registered voters) for all independent candidates and the nominees of parties that hadn’t polled 20% for president of the US in the entire nation, or 20% for Governor of Georgia. But nowadays, and ever since 1986, Georgia permits a party that polls 1% (of the number of registered voters) for any statewide office, to be ballot-qualified for all the statewide offices. So the Libertarian Party, and the New Alliance Party and the Reform Party, have been ballot-qualified in Georgia for statewide office, but not district office. So now there is an equal protection argument that was not present in 1970. Why does the state of Georgia permit US Senate candidates of minor parties to be on the ballot, yet deny ballot status to US House candidates of the same party???

  4. Maybe the relevant district should decide ballot access laws?

    For federal races US Congress would make the rules.

    For statewide races and US Senate since it is supposed to represent the States and not the people it would be up to State legislatures.

    For county races, county commissioners would decide; for city races, city councils.

  5. HACK Biden *democracy* speech –

    ZERO mention gf the ANTI-Democracy rigged minority rule gerrymander systems in the USA regime and all 50 State regimes.

    Par for the EVIL statist course since 1776/1929.
    REAL Democracy —


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