U.S. District Court in Utah Declines to Remove Republican Legislative Nominee from November Ballot

On September 12, U.S. District Court Judge Jill Parrish, an Obama appointee, declined to order the state elections office to remove a Republican legislative nominee from the November ballot. The Utah Democratic Party had filed the lawsuit on September 7, arguing that the nominee, Representative Joel Ferry, is ineligible to be re-elected to the legislature because he has been appointed to an executive position in Utah government. Utah Democratic Party v Henderson, 2:22cv-581.

The order says that even though Ferry appears to be ineligible, it doesn’t follow that he can’t run. If he is re-elected, he would then resign. If he were to be removed from the ballot, the only name on the ballot would be the Democratic nominee, although there are some declared write-in candidates who are Republicans. Here is the ruling.

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