Oregon Green Party Gubernatorial Nominee Withdraws and Endorses Democrat

On September 15, Oregon Green Party gubernatorial nominee Nathalie Paravicini withdrew from the race and endorsed the Democratic nominee. Oregon permits fusion, and she is also the Progressive Party nominee. Her reason is that the Democratic nominee has come out in favor of campaign contribution limits. See this story.


Oregon Green Party Gubernatorial Nominee Withdraws and Endorses Democrat — 8 Comments

  1. Was this Green Party candidate a infiltrator plant? She was just distracting and funneling voters energy into her fake campaign so she could try to further try to influence them by endorsing a Democrat. Just another tactic by the Democrats to try and paint all 3rd parties as untrustworthy and unreliable so voters will not support them. Also, what a completely lame excuse for quitting, really she can’t be serious…i.e. my opponent candidate is also in favor of term limits, just like me, so I guess I really have no other reason to stick in the race so I’m dropping out and endorsing her. She is obviously fake because as a politician she should be aware that four years ago, Patrick Starnes of Brownsville withdrew as the Independent Party nominee in favor of Democratic Gov. Kate Brown, who promised to support campaign finance reform and as per the usual Democratic playbook of lying as campaign promises, Gov Brown did nothing for reform.

  2. She is a long-time Green Party activist. She has been active in the Green Party at least 20 years.

  3. I bet this Green Party candidate is dropping out because of that lady who is running as an independent.

  4. That lady’s name is Betsy Johnson. Someone made a sick joke about her being transgender which is completely false and as if there’s something wrong with being transgender which there isn’t and she’s not.

  5. I can’t stand it when people do this. I’d vote for the Republican if that happened.

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