Three-Party Debates in Utah

Two minor party candidates for U.S. House have been invited to debate their major party opponents in Utah. The debates are conducted by the Utah Debate Commission, which bases its invitations on polls that the Commission itself conducts.

Constitution Party nominee Cassie Easley, running in the Second District, will debate her major party opponents on October 14.

United Utah Party nominee January Walker, running in the Fourth District, will debate her major party opponents on October 12.

There are no minor party or independent candidates in the First District. In the Third District, there are three minor party nominees but none of them scored high enough in the polls. They are from the Libertarian, Constitution, and Independent American Parties. See this story.


Three-Party Debates in Utah — 1 Comment

  1. Unclear from the article whether the threshold was 10% or 5%. The article said 10% but then gave the third party candidates’ polling numbers as 5.7% and 6.2%.

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