California Legislature Passes Bill to De-Regulate Democratic Party

Before the California legislature adjourned, it passed AB 1396, the bill to delete internal Democratic Party rules on party organization from the election code. The bill now goes to Governor Schwarzenegger. The bill provides that the party must keep its bylaws available to the public, by posting them on the party’s web page.


California Legislature Passes Bill to De-Regulate Democratic Party — 1 Comment

  1. Again for any MORONS on this list —

    1. PUBLIC part of the party hack parties in the PUBLIC office nomination process.

    2. PRIVATE 1st Amdt clubby part of each party hack party.

    I.E. FORCING the party hacks to publish their INTERNAL clubby Bylaws ANY where is a blatant violation of the 1st Amdt constitutional rights of such party hack parties.

    Too much for the armies of MORONS in govts to understand – who think they can control everybody 24/7.

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