Pennsylvania Supreme Court Finds Undated Postal Ballots May Not be Counted

On November 1, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued a two-page order in Ball v Chapman, 102 MM 2022. The court unanimously ruled that postal ballots in which the voter forgot to put the date on the outer envelope are void. They find that state law requires the date, even though all completed postal ballots are date-stamped by election officials when they are received by the elections office.


Pennsylvania Supreme Court Finds Undated Postal Ballots May Not be Counted — 8 Comments

  1. voter date immaterial — since ballots have date on them and must be received by election day ???

  2. I do an absentee ballot every election and follow the rules written on the procedure to the letter. Rules are rules. Voters need to slow down and read everything before they do an absentee ballot or mail in ballot.

  3. If you’re too retarded to put the date on the ballot then you’re too retarded to vote.

  4. The court split 3-3 on whether the Pennsylvania law violated a federal law. The court ordered that undated envelopes be set aside and not counted. Presumably this will allow filing in federal court.

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