Major Parties Duel over Whether Georgia Law Permits Early Voting for Senate Run-off on Saturday, November 26

The Georgia Democratic Party is currently suing the Georgia Secretary of State over whether early voting should be permitted on Saturday, November 26, for the U.S. Senate runoff. The law says no early voting is permitted on a Saturday that is one or two days after a holiday, but the Democratic Party argues that law doesn’t apply to run-offs. The Democratic Party points out that in the last U.S. Senate run-offs, in January 2021, the state permitted early voting on Saturday, December 26.

The national Republican Party has intervened in the case. The case is Democratic Party of Georgia v State, Superior Court, Fulton County, 2022-cv-372734. Here is the Republican National Committee brief, filed November 17.

Here is the Democratic Party response. Thanks to Democracy Docket for the links.


Major Parties Duel over Whether Georgia Law Permits Early Voting for Senate Run-off on Saturday, November 26 — 10 Comments

  1. So, Mr. Libertarian-tard got owned by Richard and admitted that “all” doesn’t mean “all.” And, Phil is Stock.

  2. My opinion, only early voting that should be allowed is absentee ballots. Tired of seeing voters coddled and titty-fed.

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