Oklahoma Bill to Ease Petitions in Lieu of Filing Fee

Oklahoma Senator Julia Kirt (D-Oklahoma City) has introduced SB 288. It eases the petition in lieu of the filing fee. Current law requires a petition of 2% of the number of registered voters for candidates who choose not to pay filing fees. For statewide office, this is 44,502 signatures. The bill would lower the number of signatures to 4,000 for important statewide office, and 2,000 for the less important statewide offices and U.S. House.


Oklahoma Bill to Ease Petitions in Lieu of Filing Fee — 12 Comments

  1. Of course the duopoly reserves the right to charge fees, monetary or labor, for access to voters. The write-in vote is prohibited in Oklahoma.

  2. Max, realize who you are talking to:

    Victor Vasilyevich was born in Siberia, part of the former USSR in 1972 and the USA is reminding him more of the country his parents took him out of every day. Growing up in the epicenter of the 1980s crack cocaine explosion in NYC, Victor got caught up in the available business ventures and saw some of his friends die, and then became an activist against the drug war. Through his involvement in the drug peace movement, and college studies in free market environmentalism, he became interested in libertarianism, and abandoned the Democrats after they picked the military-industrial-corporate-statist DLCer and drug warrior hypocrite Bill Clinton as their nominee in 1992, thus finally disproving the idea that 1960s radicals were merely infiltrating the establishment in order to change it. Victor became an LP member in 1995 and a life member in 2000, and has occasionally been on the executive committee of the Alabama LP. Since 1998, he has traveled the country as a professional activist. Between that and his earlier travels in the import-export business as a teenager, he has been to 49 US states and about 20 countries, and lived in a number of them. As a life long entrepreneur, he has also started hundreds of businesses in a wide variety of fields. Victor recently worked on the Steve Kubby for President campaign, has been an active member of the Libertarian Party Radical Caucus, an advisory board member of Liberty Consulting, and hopes to start a new national College Libertarian Organizing Committee. He is an Anti-war, true leftist, anarchist, left libertarian, agorist, (r)evolutionary. Victor currently also blogs at Next Free Voice and occassionally at ideas from free minds.

  3. I am an expert of writing style and identifying unique cues. Victor Vasilyevich is the one known as the Siberian Cyberpig.

  4. The self proclaimed “expert” and know nothing is apparently the biggest and most likely only fan of the crappy fan fiction he just wrote about me, apparently to the point of maliciously posting these same lies again. Not one thing is true. The closest he comes to getting anything right is that I am from Russia, but in reality from Khimki right outside Moscow, not anywhere near Siberia. In the United States, where I lived for 35 years between 1986 and 2021, I spent almost all of it in the Miami and then Phoenix areas. The writer gets a D for composition and an F for failing on facts.

  5. Maxim,

    Yes, kings have idiot sons. And idiot voters elect lying and corrupt, or incompetent ideologue, dirty rotten politicians. Between the two, monarchy has the advantage of a longer time horizon, allowing for decades or even centuries to complete projects. Rather than worrying only about the next election, rulers must worry about whether their children and grandchildren will inherit the throne. Not doing their jobs well can often mean beheading, not just a luxurious retirement or well paid private sector or bureaucrat job and perhaps trying to win again next election as most elected politicians who lose an election must resign themselves to. In the relatively short history of nonhereditary rulers, government has metastasized, spent, and murdered far faster than in the millennia of recorded hereditary monarchies.

    As for your Jesus, he is dead, and fables aside never rose back up. As well, he was much closer to dog than God, and closer still to being a bitch, in the female dog and various other meanings of the word. Please, such nonsense is unworthy of a free White European. To be glorious rather than slaves, we must reject Jewish Christianity just as much as Jewish Marxism and Abrahamic Islam.

  6. Victor, regardless of the charges leveled here against you being true or false, you are condemning yourself to eternity in horribly unimaginable torture in hell with your rejection of Jesus. I’m trying to reach out to you with love to try to save you from this fate, but I don’t know how to get you to take this seriously. I’ll be praying for you.

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