Hawaii Bill, Changing Order of Candidates Names on Ballot from Alphabetical to Random, Advances

On February 9, the Hawaii Senate Judiciary Committee passed SB 47. It changes the order of candidates’ names on ballots. Current law provides for alphabetical order of candidate surnames. The bill changes it to random order, with rotation from precinct to precinct, so that all candidates have a chance to appear at the top of the list in some precincts.

The vote was 4-1. The bill is sponsored by Senator Karl Rhoads (D-Honolulu), who is Chair of the Judiciary Committee.


Hawaii Bill, Changing Order of Candidates Names on Ballot from Alphabetical to Random, Advances — 14 Comments

  1. These kinds of waste of time questions would go away if there was no ballot. Votes should be in person with voters physically standing up in the section of the room where those who choose to support the same party in that year’s election gather.

  2. If all the officers are listed by rows, from highest to lowest, and all the parties by columns, then the only order that has to be determined is which party’s candidates are listed in which columns.

  3. No part a to z or z to a. All stand up and be counted, show the world that you’re a man.

  4. You are an unholy impersonator, and the pitchforks of demons and flames of hell will be the least of your eternal tortures as you burn in everlasting unimaginable pain and humiliation.

  5. Jesus, you are nothing. You were nothing. You will always be nothing. You probably never existed, but if you did, you were a sorry weakling and bad example from a nefarious tribe which is the historic long standing greatest enemy of our nation, people and race, and of all humanity. Go away and stay dead, Jesus the suicidal drug addict queer Jew rabbi.

  6. The usurper/impersonator and the pagan are both foul, and both anathema to me and to the real Jesus.

  7. These two idiots are humiliating themselves, and humiliating the management for allowing their foul stench to pollute the atmosphere here, much like Xi and the CCP are humiliating the USA by first installing a geriatric puppet as your president through a stolen election, and now just blatantly teabagging and dunking on you with their spy balloons. For shame!

  8. END TIMES ???



  9. Maxim,you are correct about all but about me being foul or humiliating myself. In reality it is those of you who are worshipping a fake, effeminate, weak Jew god who entices you to embrace a submissive role and to accept defeat who are humiliating yourself and our race. Jewish Christianity is one of the three biggest disasters for European peoples, the others being Jewish diaspora and Jewish Marxism. Close up behind are Abrahamic Islam and Zionism. How does a tribe of well less than one percent of the world population cause over ninety nine percent of the world’s problems? How do they manage to get kicked out from over a hundred countries? Perhaps you could ask your fake God, had he really risen from the dead as you delude yourself to believe. In reality, he was a pathetic suicide by Roman cop, executed on a cross like a common thief of that time, and stayed dead, or even more likely never lived in the first place.

  10. I’ll bet heavily on the elementary school morons option, as opposed to any kind of supernatural beings, untreated mental patients or charlatans trying to actually pass themselves off as Jesus outside of pseudoanonymous web comments. Most actual IQ idiots and increasingly young children have access to phones or other devices with internet access now, and increasing numbers of people who present as mostly normal rational adults outside of forums where they think they are anonymous act like developmentally challenged children whenever they think no one will know it’s them.

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