Nevada Bill to Move Deadline for Declarations of Candidacy from March to February

The Nevada Secretary of State has proposed SB 53, which moves the deadline for candidates to file a declaration of candidacy from March to February. The bill even applies to qualified parties that nominate by convention, and to independent candidates. Such deadlines are especially inappropriate for independent candidates, because one of the reasons all states provide for independent candidate ballot access is to give voters another alternative if they are dissatisfied with the choices offered by political parties.

Similar deadlines for early declarations of candidacy has been struck down in Kentucky, West Virginia, and South Carolina.


Nevada Bill to Move Deadline for Declarations of Candidacy from March to February — 8 Comments

  1. Declaration of office holders should be made by the winning party within no more than a week after the annual election, ideally the next day or even later that same night.

  2. Jesus, he should reject you for the same reasons that all of us of White European ancestry should: you were a weak effeminate Jew who made yourself the Roman conquerors’ bitch, had your head anointed with hashish oil, and died as a homosexual virgin of suicide by cop. You were no good, no god, and now you’re dead to us and dead period. All hail the pagan ancestral European gods!

  3. Fake Jesus, I reject you because you don’t come close to passing off as our Lord and Savior Jesus. You come across as a gross disgusting tranny freak with a three day beard. Please be gone.

  4. Maxim, with your suicidal dopehead effeminate homosexual virgin Jewish rabbi fake savior, our people are a suicidal waste of sperm and liability to ourselves and our progeny, if any. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children by rejecting all things Jewish and non-European in origin, Jewish Christianity most certainly included. Have you ever been to Israel/Palestine? I went, and I promise you no Savior ever came from that place, or anywhere near there.

  5. Why so many completely off topic discussions? There are forums specifically dedicated to discussing religion. While the occasional crossover into off topic conversation is to be expected, and at times religion does get mixed with politics (usually to the detriment of both), if your exclusive or main purpose is to discuss religion, why do it here rather than on a religious forum? Most religious forums probably wouldn’t want most of their comments to be about politics, or to have forum participants who focus exclusively or for the most part on secular politics where it doesn’t involve religion, would they?

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