Hawaii Bill for a Presidential Primary Advances

On February 16, the Hawaii Senate Judiciary Committee passed SB 1005 by 4-1. It establishes a presidential primary. Hawaii is one of the few states that has never held a government-administered presidential primary.

All qualified parties would be eligible for a presidential primary. Presidential candidates would need 100 signatures plus a filing fee of $3,000, although if they sign a pledge to voluntarily limit their campaign spending, the fee would be $2,675. Indigent presidential candidates could avoid the fee if they submit a petition of one-half of 1% of the registered voters, which would be approximately 4,000 signatures. Thanks to Josh Putnam for this news.

The presidential primary would be in March.


Hawaii Bill for a Presidential Primary Advances — 1 Comment

  1. Chances are that they would be competing with other primaries on the mainland, and only outsiders who needed a win somewhere would show up.

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