New Mexico Omnibus Election Law Bill Doubles Number of Signatures for the Nominees of Qualified Minor Parties

On February 20, the New Mexico Senate Judiciary Committee passed SB 180, after it had been amended to double the number of signatures for the nominees of minor party conventions. The bill raises them from 1% to 2% except for a very small number of offices. SB 180 is a very lengthy bill. The minor party change was amended into it and is on page 81 of the bill. Thanks to the New Mexico Green Party for this news.


New Mexico Omnibus Election Law Bill Doubles Number of Signatures for the Nominees of Qualified Minor Parties — 6 Comments

  1. Are these changes intended to make it difficult for Sinema to run for re-election as anything other than a Democrat?

  2. I doubt that it could have that effect, given that the New Mexico legislature can’t change Arizona law.

  3. I am also trying to get North Dakota to allow Independent candidates in partisan legislative elections to select an unorganized party label. As is the case in Minnesota. It would make it possible for third-party candidates to actually get candidates onto the general ballot for legislative races.

  4. Richard

    Minnesota SF 1827 would require a party in the 2024 election to poll 10% or more in order to be a major party. I am working on sending out a polite, but firm, email to the bill’s author.

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