Documentary Film About History of Arkansas Ballot Access Can be Seen on You Tube

Mark Moore, who was an independent candidate for the Arkansas legislature in 2012 and who polled 39% in a two-person race, has spent years working on a documentary on ballot access, with a special emphasis on Arkansas. Moore won a federal lawsuit against the early petition deadline in Arkansas and he is deeply into the subject.
Here is the link. The you tube is one hour and twentyseven minutes.

It opens with a fascinating interview with Mark Martin, former Republican Secretary of State of Arkansas.


Documentary Film About History of Arkansas Ballot Access Can be Seen on You Tube — 16 Comments

  1. I watched this last night. It is very well done.

    Since I have done lots of petition signature gathering in Arkansas (and other places) they could have interviewed me for this. They should have gotten into how people gathering signatures on petitions for ballot access are frequently harassed and illegally run out of locations which carry public foot traffic, which makes gathering the required number of signatures a lot more difficult than it would be otherwise. This is a problem which has gotten worse in Arkansas, for the most part.

    I know, or know of, a lot of the people and stories that were discussed in this documentary.

  2. I listened to your videos where you ran circles around that city attorney in Illionis. Very enjoyable. Please post more.

  3. Did you listen to my video where I got harassed by library employees at the Vestavia Hills, AL Public Library back in 2012?

  4. I mean Andy Gonzalez videos. I saw the link to the Mark Morton video but I didn’t follow it yet because I don’t know if my BlackBerry can download an hour and 27 minutes. Hopefully Andy’s videos are shorter.

  5. I do not know who Andy Gonzalez is or where you can find his videos, but my videos are on YouTube.

  6. I thought you were Andy Gonzalez. My mistake. Where on YouTube, or do I put in Andy without a last name and they just pop right up?

  7. Here are parts 3, 4 and 5 of my confrontations over gathering petition signatures at for Libertarian Party ballot access, as well as for a statewide ballot initiative petition to place term limits on the state legislature, in front of the Champaign, IL Public Library. I did end up prevailing in this dispute, as I was able to return to this location to gather petition signatures, however, they wasted two weeks of my time in the process.

  8. ZVZ, the Andy Gonzalez videos you’re looking for are on a website called pornhub[dot]com

  9. Thank you, but no, I am not interested in pornography. Pornography destroys and distorts the natural and healthy sexual desires that exist within or for the purpose of creating a marriage consecrated by God and the Russian Orthodox Church and adding more soldiers, workers and broodmares to the ranks of our race and nation. It is peddled by evil Satanist and communist khazars to undermine Christian cultures and European demographic groups, encourage race mixing and the sodomy-tranny agenda, etc, etc. Nothing good ever comes from pornography.

  10. Is 7026 the year of this predicted libertarian revolution? In which calendar, if so?

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