Arkansas Ballot Access Bill Fails to Pass Senate Committee

On February 28, the Arkansas Senate Judiciary Committee considered SB 277, the bill to improve ballot access for new and minor parties. The bill received four “yes” votes, but because there was one “No” vote, and because two members of the committee were absent, the bill didn’t move ahead. Arkansas legislative rules require bills to receive a majority of the committee members, so if someone doesn’t vote, that is the same as a “no” vote. The committee has eight members so five votes are needed.

Probably the bill will be brought up again. The Secretary of State supports the bill.


Arkansas Ballot Access Bill Fails to Pass Senate Committee — 12 Comments

  1. Wow. My guess is that they will delay passing a ballot access bill which conforms with the recent lawsuit victory for our side for as long as possible.

  2. The power to “nominate” a candidate for elective office is a right reserved to the people voting as individuals when casting their ballots. The right to nominate cannot be collectivized without being abridged.
    Your objections?

  3. I am a member of the Libertarian Party of Arkansas and I find myself very frustrated by yesterday’s events. Many of us are unsure what will even happen next or if we should begin petitioning as per usual for next year. Being in limbo is very confusing and frustrating. It is my understanding that the Secretary of State has stated that a resolution MUST be completed this session. But it leaves us in the party unsure of how or when to start working for access.

  4. D. Frank Robinson

    My objection is to the notion of ballots and candidates. I have explained in enough forum topics, I hope. Including addressed to you. We can go over it again if you wish.

    Max Resist is a great rock band that just happens to share my first name. You should check them out if you get a chance.

    Melissa should not be allowed to judge if she’s hot. She should post a video to let Men decide. Females should not be allowed to decide anything, including elections or who to marry. A marriage should be a business deal between her father and new husband.

  5. Hello again left wing/imitator max. Thank you once more for playing, but I am right wing, and national socialists are left wing. Thus, as per usual when you attempt unconvincingly to imitate your betters, the negative qualities you try to associate them / us with are more accurately assigned to the authentic left wing self you try to hide in shame, not to those you try but pathetically fail to smear.

  6. @Melissa

    If we’re not mistaken, the old law was already thrown out by the courts. Richard would know for sure, or check the archives here. If we were you we’d start the petition now. That would give you March April and May if the 90 days is still in effect or possibly also the summer. Either way you are unlikely to need more than 10,000 valid, because every time your legislators try to make it more than that the courts end up throwing it out. But if for whatever reason you have to get more than that, starting sooner gives you more time to build momentum, fundraise, sue, etc.

    Good luck with all that. We’re retired on fixed incomes far away from you, don’t travel, and are antisocial (we can barely even stand each other, much less anyone else). Additionally, we stopped supporting your party last year, or any other party for that matter. We now tend to think party politics, or maybe even electoral politics in general, are not going to fix anything. We still wish you luck, because people who still bother to vote should be allowed as many choices as possible, but we won’t be of any help. Our advice is based on reading this blog, but we’re starting to get senile, so maybe double check our advice with Mr. Winger and other experts.

  7. Also @ Melissa

    We also want to know if you’re hot, but not because we would sniff your hair, or even allow you on our property. We don’t allow anyone on our property except delivery people, who leave whatever they brought and exit back out the gate before we go outside to pick it up. If it’s raining or about to we remote open the garage, which has plenty of room because we sold our cars, and let them leave it there. We don’t plan on going anywhere else ever again unless the sheriff or an ambulance takes us so who needs cars? We don’t register to vote anymore so it’s not like we’re going to have to do jury duty.

    Lately we’ve been getting into looking into ways to reduce, reuse, compost, and grow as much of our food as we can. Not because we care about the environment. We burn whatever we can’t fix or compost or reuse. We do that just so we don’t have to allow the trash truck to enter, and that other stuff so we get as few deliveries as we can get away with without going anywhere. The gate is a good half mile hike from the house, so we’re not setting garbage or recycle bins out there. No ma’am.

    Which is all a long way of saying we’re not coming after you or even letting you come to us in real life. We don’t like video interactions or talking to anyone on the phone unless we have to either. But we do enjoy looking at pictures and videos of good looking people. So if you’re one of those, or want to pretend you are, show us your teeth!

  8. Jack and Jill

    If I may be so bold to inquire, why are you so antisocial? I mean, I’m antisocialist, but not antisocial. If I was still in fighting shape I would go sign up with Wagner Group. I’m more of a keyboard warrior these days, no more Afghanistan or Chechnya for me. Sadly, because I would love to kill some Bandera scum, but for now I must just do internet research and support President Putin and our mission in what ways I still can. I get out and about to what extent I can though. Moscow is embued with nationalistic, patriotic, patriarchal and Orthodox Christian revival fervor. I look forward to travel back to your country and the UK and many others when the time is right.

  9. The Arkansas Legislature has been playing games with the courts and ballot access law for decades. This documentary tells the sorry tale, which has application for ballot acces issues in every state. Click on my name for link to documentary.

  10. Max, to each their own. We’re not saying our choice is right for you. If you can stand people, more power to you. If you can’t stand to be alone, our condolences. We have each found one other person we can barely tolerate – each other. After many years of giving them a chance we have concluded that people suck, aren’t worth the effort, and are best off kept as far away as possible. After coming to that conclusion five years ago, we’ve taken many steps to make that possible and make it so. We now have a large house on a large property far from what other people optimistically or duplicitously call civilization. Thus, we’re able to isolate from other people very effectively, especially with the help of new technology.

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