No Labels Party Has Enough Valid Signatures in North Carolina

According to the North Carolina State Board of Elections website, the No Labels Party now has 14,502 valid signatures on its petition for party status in 2024. The law requires 13,757. However, in North Carolina, new parties are not certified for the ballot, even if they have enough valid signatures, until the State Board of Elections meets and votes on the petition validity.


No Labels Party Has Enough Valid Signatures in North Carolina — 6 Comments

  1. After the ordeal the Green Party’s Matthew Hoh and his team went through last year, the folks at No Labels might want to keep on petitioning if they can. The more valid signatures collected, the more likely the Democrats and/or Republicans will have to follow their own laws and let the petitioning third/minor parties on the ballot. And even then, I hope they have a good lawyer on standby; the D and R Establishments don’t always allow ballot access without a fight, as veteran readers of this blog, and folks who have dealt with ballot access struggles first hand as I have in Illinois, know.

  2. I am surprised this is just now being announced. I heard they finished North Carolina months ago.

  3. This “no labels” gimmick has been tried before an failed. A real party needs to stand for something, and have real leaders.

  4. Paranoid bullshit. If only it were true. I hope it works out that way unintentionally for them. But they’re smart enough that they’ll probably know exactly when to abort. The best thing would be if whatever polls they use for that mislead them. Lets all pray!!!

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