Washington Bill To Delete Party Labels on Ballots

Washington representative Skyler Rude (R-Walla Walla) has introduced HB 1826. It would delete all party labels from primary and general election ballots, except for president. It would also delete them from the Voters Pamphlet.


Washington Bill To Delete Party Labels on Ballots — 10 Comments

  1. Now we’re talking! Require informed voters. Any voters who aren’t will just end up casting random votes which will, on average, cancel each other out. And informing the voters is the responsibility of the candidates and their parties, NOT the government election departments. Thank you, Representative Rude.



  3. There’s no need for any labels on ballots, or any ballots of any kind. Supporters of each party should gather in a corner or section of the room and be counted on election night.

  4. Does not work for me. I want to know what political party these people are representing. We will vote for the candidate and the political party platform.

  5. Rodney is right! Vote for the platform and neighbors you have known for decades. Not lying “candidates” and “hot or not” idiocy or the best and most oft repeated tv and radio ads!!

    BTW if they get rid of “labels” do they keep or get rid of “no labels”?? Lol! We get rid of 100% of this kind of idiocy with the system I have proposed.

  6. Washington does not have a voters pamphlet. It does have a pamphlet sent to all households.

    A candidate could say I’m endorsed by a political party. Someone who is not could not make that claim.

  7. Lying in campaigns is not illegal. Is lying in a pamphlet illegal? What if there is disputed leadership of a “party”? I have read of some such cases here.

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