Former Montana Governor Marc Racicot Op-Ed Against Montana Bill for Top-Two for 2024 U.S. Senate Race

The Billings Gazette has this op-ed opposing SB 566, which would use a top-two system for just one office in 2024, U.S. Senate. The op-ed is also signed by Sid Daoud, the chair of the Montana Libertarian Party, and Gary Buchanan, the only independent candidate who was on the ballot for any congressional race in Montana in 2022.


Former Montana Governor Marc Racicot Op-Ed Against Montana Bill for Top-Two for 2024 U.S. Senate Race — 4 Comments

  1. Excellent editorial. I hope that the Montana Bill for Top-Two does not pass.

  2. My name is Sidney, not Sid. But the Daoud part is what’s really unAmerican. Mine is Davis, which is a fine Anglo-Saxy name like all true Americans!!!!!

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