In California, a “political body” is a group that has expressed intent to qualify as a party using a voter registration drive. The Secretary of State’s website always lists such groups. On April 7 the Secretary of State finally added No Labels to its list. The party had requested political body status two weeks ago. Here is the Secretary of State’s list.
Were there comments removed here, and if yes, why??
No, no comments have been removed from underneath this post. You are the first commenter for this post.
You sure? Richard loves to delete posts.
Most people that express an opinion have the opposite idea, and want me to delete lots more comments.
Do you still have a Kevin Hayes or anyone else who may have access to deleting comments without your knowledge? Are you sure??
The problem with most people who express an opinion is that they are the Karen’s of the world. People who like free speech are less likely to tell you. You can sit there and be frustrated making a lot of judgement calls that will be questioned no matter what you do. But give it a try if you don’t believe me. You will lose more trust and engagement the more you censor. Whether censor is the correct word or not is besides the point. The people who moan and complain will not engage more or bring more people or anything else as you censor more. They will just cost you valuable repeat traffic and backlinks etc etc the more you listen to them. What that means in the long run is that you will have more readers and more engagement if you censor less, obvious spam excluded, and less the more you censor, and the least of all of you shut down public comments completely. But you don’t need to believe me even though I am now very experienced in this. Believe who you want and see what happens. You didn’t like it when you got or thought you got censored somewhere else. More censorship = less engaged = less influential. Learn the easy way or learn the hard way like I did.
Wasn’t there a comment here that said
Dead body I presume????
It was not that gross of a joke and directly about the headline and the post in context. I’m pretty sure there were others removed.
U may need to revoke and reset credentials????
Forget about it!!!???